"In a friend, you find a second self."~Isabelle Norton
This blog is intended as a peek inside the oh so exciting and ever so thrilling day to day life of the Kolb family. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Goodbye old friend, hello new....

While we are mourning the loss of Dorothy, we are happy to introduce the newest member of the Kolb Family, Poppy the Snowman! Lily and I took advantage of the awesome weather this afternoon and built the snowman Lily has been desperate for since the first snowfall. She was extremely pleased with the end result.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
First surf and now turf.....
See, I told you!
The original champions of the outing. Ella and I were the reluctant tag alongs!
Once again, as much as I hate to admit it, Jason was right. We all had a fabulous time. Grace went up and down that hill as many times as possible,
In between runs, Grace enjoyed watching another family tubing down the hill. She enjoyed it so much, in fact, she needed a few gentle reminders that she was there to sled also!
Ella took a few rides, exclaiming, "This is awesome." but soon lost interest in the sledding and went off in search of other fun snow related activities.
Such as snow angels....
And writing in the snow with a stick.
Lily alternated between riding the hills, crawling back up like a puppy yelling "Here I come Grace!"
this smile and even
this smile!
While I firmly remain a "surf" girl, I found out even I can enjoy some "turf" every once in a while. Happy Snow Day to you all!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Surfin' USA.....
A big thanks to John and Connie for a wonderful time, a terrific family and lasting memories!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Gracie Lou.....