This blog is intended as a peek inside the oh so exciting and ever so thrilling day to day life of the Kolb family. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Gett'em while they're hot....
Monday, March 30, 2009
42 years and counting.....

There has been a bit of a learning curve for me while entrenching myself in the Kolb family. From family gatherings that go into the wee hours to figuring out how to feed a group of 30+, I had some adjusting to do but I am slowly but surely working it out. I can stay up as late with the best of them and have purchased the necessary cookware to prepare large quantities of food.

Not only have John and Connie always treated me as a member of the clan but Jason's brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews have always allowed me into their inner sanctum as well. I believe this is a testament to the entire group's strong commitment to family. They all listen, joke, advise and humor me as though I am one of the brood.
On the eve of this momentous occassion, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank John and Connie. For always being there for Jason and I but never being overbearing. For being wonderful grandparents to the girls. For providing a strong foundation of family for Jason which has in turn translated into the devoted husband and father he is. I love you, I respect you and I admire you. Happy Anniversary.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Who says you can't go home.....
Watching Josh make this face.....
Or do this....
Or hanging out at the Legion with my bestie..........
I am lucky to have my parents who I know I can count on always and no matter how many times I call a day, still keep answering the phone. Thank you Mom and Dad for everything~feeding us, housing us, entertaining us, babysitting and at the risk of sounding totally sappy and cheesy, loving us.
"When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses."~Joyce Brothers
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Disney or Bust!
Jason and I have been discussing for quite some time taking a trip to celebrate 10 years of wedded bliss. Although a traditional anniversary trip would most likely involve just the couple, we decided it would be more fun to include the girls. The discussions began with the Cayman Islands, moved to Mexico, up the coast to San Diego and finally settled in Orlando. Plans were finalized and the trip was booked for May 24-31.
This is what happens when you tell your kids they are going to Disney World!
May 24th is going to seem a very long ways away for these three!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Leprechauns and the Indian in the Cupboard....
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A Whole Lotta Nothin'.......

No, folks, do not adjust your screens, that is not Jessica Alba. It is me! I have not yet fully embraced my new look but over the past 24 hours, it has slowly grown on me.
The girls and I began our annual quest to find proper Easter attire. This is never an easy task and I do believe based on this week's results, it is a task that will only get more and more difficult as the girls get older. Grace and Ella could not have more different tastes in pretty much everything and to get them to agree on anything is virtually impossible. After lots of perusing, many "YUCKS" and "No way's" I do believe we have reached a consensus we could all be OK with. Stay tuned for the great unveiling. It is sure to be a real humdinger! We were so worn out from our shopping, the decision was made to take advantage of the "Kids Are Kings on Wednesday nights at Champps" extravaganza. Kids eat free, Mr. Twister is on hand creating any balloon creature you could possibly imagine and there are drawings for prizes. Unfortunately, none of our girls won a prize but they all took home a cool balloon animal and a big smile!
(Lily was in the midst of a fit when this photo was taken but she is the proud owner of the yellow giraffe.)
One event I can very safely say that will take place this weekend is some grilling. Jason finally made the big leap and purchased his grill. He loves this grill as much as it is possible to love an inanimate object. Yesterday he purchased a smoking box and hickory wood chips and is chomping at the bit to lay a big old slab of beef brisket on there and smoke the heck out of it. Personally, I am a little bit over grilled food at this point but who am I to take that big smile off of his face so I say, "Smoke on, Big Swede, smoke on!