This blog is intended as a peek inside the oh so exciting and ever so thrilling day to day life of the Kolb family. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ain't no party like a Kindergarten party....
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The more things change, the more they remain the same....

And then there are the things that have changed and yet remained the same~more like a variation of the original. Our love for Mexican food has not waned but we now frequent Casa Del Rey when 10 years ago, Carlos O'Kellys (ahhh, sweet Carlos O'Kellys) was the fav. Our careers are the same but different also. Jason is still a carpenter but for himself rather than for Lemme and I am still a Group Home Manager but the home I manage is mine and so is the group! Friday nights are spent together just like they were ten years ago but they are spent at home, rather than Homers.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Life With Lily.....
During our Shopko trip, we were in the Payless Shoes section and all three girls were going crazy, trying on shoes and trying to talk me into purchases. Lily is just as shoe crazy as the other two and was hopping up and down the aisles pouring over all the selections. Finally, she brought me a pair of Dora flip-flops and said, "Oh Mom, these shoes are incredible!". I almost cracked and bought them just because of her little face, expression and voice but I held strong and we left without the "incredible" flip flops.
It is impossible to remember all of the funny things she says and does even though I try to write most of them down. Writing them down just doesn't even come close to doing her justice. How would I even begin to actually capture her essence? Beautiful, innocent, enthusiastic, wide-eyed, loving and sweet. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve an every day companion like Lily. I have the best job in the world.
"A daughter is a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous....full of beauty and forever beautiful...loving and caring and truly amazing."~Deanna Beisser
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Soccer Saturday......
Friday, April 17, 2009
As fate would have it....

I realize this isn't the most unique "how we met" story but it's ours. And if you think about it, everyone's story is really pretty interesting. Thinking back, I realize how very easy it would have been for me to miss this opportunity. Maybe I turned Stacy down for a night out. Maybe Jason didn't show up. Maybe Jason decided not to call me. So many things had to all come together for this fateful meeting. I really believe the one moment that altered the course of my life and ended up leading me to Jason was a moment I had no control over at all. A moment that was dictated by people who knew nothing of me other than my name and basic information. I believe that moment was when I was assigned to the dorm I lived in my freshman year of college. This may seem like a bit of a stretch to some of you but just go with me for a second. At Augie there were two dorms freshmen lived in, Berg which was exclusively freshmen and Solberg which housed all levels and held just the overflow freshmen. Had I been placed in Berg, I would have met a completely different group of people and quite possibly never even known who Stacy was. Of course, being friends with Stacy is a very integral part of our story and so it stands to reason, I then would have never met Jason and so on and so forth.

Here is a poem that I wrote for Jason two years ago that is a not so brief synopsis of our collection of moments: (I apologize for the length. I think we all know I tend to get a little wordy.)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Never in a million years....
Ella and Lily occupied themselves by running back and forth in the mud while Jason and I stood proudly back watching Grace participate in her first team sport.
The playground in the distance was beckoning so after watching Grace practice for awhile, I took the other two knuckleheads over to play and Jason stayed to supervise Grace. Ella needed to make a quick pit stop on our walk to the playground......
Monday, April 13, 2009
Jess and Jason's "Egg"cellent Adventure....
Grace and Crystal, the bottlenosed dolphin....
and so did the adults and before we knew it, the party was over. Another wonderful holiday and celebration under our belts.
Unfortunately Monday didn't go quite as swimmingly as Sunday. Lily hopped into bed with me around 6AM which was a lovely little surprise. What wasn't so lovely, however, was when she proceeded to throw up in my bed shortly after 630AM. I thought maybe it was a fluke puke following a coughing fit. Ahh, wishful thinking. I was dead wrong and spent the next 4 hours holding her bucket while the poor little thing heaved (sorry for the graphics, I'm done now). I asked her what wasn't feeling good and not wanting to lead her into saying "my tummy" I offered many options: toes, tummy, arm, leg, bumpah and even her eyelashes. In a weak little voice she responded, "My eyelashes." Although I didn't want to completely discount her feelings, I decided it would be better to treat based on her symptoms and kept her on a diet of apple juice and water for the morning. While the rest of us were eating lunch, she surfaced and was interested in having some noodles. Against my better judgement, I allowed this only to be rewarded with a second viewing of above mentioned noodles. My Moocher is a trooper though and wasn't about to be deterred by this minor set back and finished her lunch, all the while assuring me, "I feel better, Mama." and "Aren't you proud I'm done puking?". What a little sweetie. She is currently in hour three of a hopefully healing nap and I am looking forward to her bright eyes and bushy tail returning.
Obviously this bout of the flu or whatever it is, pushed our originally scheduled plans of bridesmaid dress measuring and soccer accessories shopping on hold. Fortunately I have two wonderful little girls and big sisters who were extremely sympathetic to their baby sister's ailment and after producing some beautifully adorned get well soon wishes, entertained themselves for a good portion of the day as I alternated between caring for Lily and participating in my least favorite event of the house cleaning Olympics, on my hands and knees floor scubbing.
Ella was saved by the bell when the phone rang and a play date offer sprang up unexpectedly. After a brief freak out of, "I decided I don't want to go. I'm scared." and a proper good old pep talk from me, she was sitting in the backseat of Lexi's mom vehicle with not so much as a second look at me. Grace is milling around desperately looking for something exciting to occupy the remainder of this last vacation day of the school year. I think maybe this is my perfect opportunity to out and teach her the finer points of the best sport around....volleyball.
Looking forward to a week of good health and awesome weather!
***Update~I was having some technical difficulties and was not able to publish as soon as I finished writing this post. Lily woke up and informed me, "Mommy, I am feeling much better." She went outside with Grace and I and rode the Rocket Rider like it was going out of style. She has maintained a sunny disposition and the contents of her stomach since waking.