This blog is intended as a peek inside the oh so exciting and ever so thrilling day to day life of the Kolb family. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Monday, March 22, 2010
An STJ weekend getaway...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
When good ideas go bad...
Next we used food coloring to create the six colors of the rainbow. So easy even a child could do it...
Oh and did I mention, they tasted just like plain old vanilla cupcakes with vanilla frosting? The girls were mildly impressed at the novelty of it all. Grace and Lily each sucked one down. Ella politely accepted one and after a few bites, declared, "I'm just more of chocolatey kind of girl". Glad I tried it, so not worth it...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Attack of the "Lefrechauns"....
Clearly, this was a very unwelcome violation. Maybe we will get them next year....
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Nice and easy, that's my style....
She danced and pranced her way through class and straight into the teacher's good graces. Unfortunately, there is not a class that will work out for Lily's social calendar and so we are looking a brief dancing hiatus. In the meantime, feel free to enjoy these pictures of Miss Thang.... while Lily gives herself a pat on the back for a job well done...
Next up on the event itinerary was the big John Harris Science Fair. Grace elected to sit this year out but Ella was gung ho and produced a terrific experiment entitled "Operation Egg Drop". Sadly, she didn't take home the top prize but we are incredibly proud of her hard work and determination.
Without Ella's participation this year, we could have possibly made a horrible mistake next time we go to pack up eggs (or any other fragile object) and used shredded paper rather than bubble wrap, air bags or packing peanuts. Thankfully Ella's experiment showed the correct packaging path and our valuables will always be properly protected from damage.
Grandma and Papa were able to come and root Ella on at the science fair and stay through the weekend as well. After a long but successful day of shopping on Saturday (barely making it out alive due to Dad's horrendous driving) I was very much looking forward to a relaxing night out. Leaving the girls in the ultra-capable hands of Mom and Dad, Jason and I joined the remaining adult members of the Kolb family for a lovely dinner.
Being able to consume large quantities of cheese spread, crackers and delectable beef noodle soup without once having to escort anyone to the bathroom made this particular meal one of my most favorite meals in a long time.
Happily, signs of Spring on showing themselves: committee meetings for the John Harris year-end party, school supply kit hocking, an increase in work for Jason, Easter dinner planning and the beginning of the soccer season on the horizon. To the Kolb household, these signs are more telling that winter coats and snow pants can soon be retired than sighting the first robin. And for my girls, Spring can't come soon enough. Daily I hear wistful conversations of being able to wear shorts and rollerblades and all I can do is concur. It is definitely time for Spring to be sprung.
"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."~Proverb