Life has been busy lately. We've been busy wrapping up the Fall soccer season with a bang. In her 2nd to last game, Lily scored three goals (or four if you ask her)...

I can't wait to see how she tops that on Saturday in her final game. It's really cute to see how the four year olds have progressed over the past 8 weeks and have a much tighter grasp on the basics of the game than they did their first week.
Ella, aka Pele, was nominated by her coach for the "Outstanding U8 Player Program". Players were nominated based on their technical skills as well as their participation and attendance in practices and games and also based on their determination and attitude. All personal bias aside, I can honestly say Ella most definitely earned this accolade. As I've mentioned numerous times before, Ella is one of the most intensely focused little people I've ever encountered. She puts her heart and soul into all she does and I'm so proud that she was recognized for that. The players who were selected for this program participated in a clinic put on by the Augie soccer team and received a very official certificate of achievement. She loved the clinic, had so much fun playing with the Augie girls, learned a little something and relished the pat on the back she so richly deserved. Check her out on the left off all by herself in the white shirt. Always wants to stand apart from the group...

The day following the clinic, Ella played her final game of the season and she sure lived up to the award that had just been bestowed upon her. She was on fire out on the field. Once again, I watched in awe of her determination and grit. No matter the score, no matter the circumstances, Ella just won't give up. Running as hard as she possibly could, fighting for every ball and giving it her all. She scored all three of her team's goals and while they did not walk away with the win, it certainly wasn't for lack of effort...

Grace wrapped up her soccer season as well and moved right from field to the court~the volleyball court. While she enjoyed soccer, she LOVES volleyball. Never before have I seen her so animated and excited about something. I have a feeling she may be hanging her shin guards and soccer cleats up for good in exchange for knee pads and a good old pair of tennis shoes. It's obvious in her demeanor that volleyball is definitely her game and we are so excited to watch her progress...

On top of the sports madness that encompassed Saturday, there was one final event to cap off the day. This beautiful lady...

will be joining the Kolb crew in two shorts weeks when she marries Jason's brother, Bill. Of course we wanted to welcome her to the family and threw an all dessert shower for her. Ice cream, gifts and good conversation~a successful evening was had by all. An early congratulations to Bill and Lexi~we wish you many years of love and happiness.
And finally, I must take this opportunity to wish my mom and dad a happy 38th anniversary. Your life together has shaped my beliefs and expectations of what a marriage should be like~




And of course, love...

No matter the issue, the only option is to go through it together. While my memory isn't great and I may not be able to speak to specific situations or moments, I do know that when I think of the two of you together, my immediate feelings are that of happiness and love. Thinking back through my childhood to present day, laughter is the resounding theme and for that, I thank you. Thank you for choosing each other 38 years ago and for standing by that choice through all of the ups and downs. You both, individually and together, mean more to me than words can possibly express.
"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."~Mignon McLaughlin