Today started off as it usually does for me, with the making of "the list". Every day I have a list that is my guide, my template, my progress marker. I base my entire day, every day on "the list" never deviating or going off course. I check things off as they are completed and try to always complete the tasks in sequence. This sense of order keeps me on track. If something is written down, I won't forget it. It's safe. I know the dishwasher will be unloaded at precisely the right moment and the girls will be picked up from school. When I make my list, I know there is no chance I will forget to take a shower or make lunch. All will be right with the world. And so, today I made my list. On it were items including putting my sweaters in my closet and taking my shorts out, vacuuming, dusting the blinds, etc. etc., you get the picture. Anyway, without warning, I veered off course. I had a sink full of hot, soapy water and I made the spontaneous decision to mop the floor even though that was clear down at the bottom of my list. This was wild stuff, unknown territory that I was venturing into and guess was invigorating. The floor was mopped without any of the usual "argh, I just hate mopping the floor" pretense. It turned into something as easy as a chore that needed to be done and then suddenly it was just done and I hadn't anguished, toiled or even grumbled about it. Now I imagine most of you are bewildered. How could this possibly be blog worthy, you may be asking yourself? I realize I am exposing my complete and utter neurotic behavior and I am cool with that. What you don't realize is how this freed me and gave me a whole new outlook on the day. I was no longer tethered to my list. When Jason unexpectedly was off of work at lunchtime rather than working all day as I had anticipated, I decided to go do some Christmas shopping. Not on "the list" but something that needed to be done, something maybe for Monday's list. I went, I shopped, I conquered. Christmas shopping is almost finito! How terrific! After picking up a pizza, another command decision made on the spot, I was on my way home. I was greeted with three happy little faces and one happy big face! We enjoyed our delicious Boss' Pizza (those of you who haven't tried it, really should) and then Jason was off to watch two big guys beat each other up on TV and the girls and I retired to the basement loaded up with popcorn and ice cream to watch Kit Kitteridge. Not once in my wildest dreams did I imagine the toe curling, eye covering that was to come as a result of this surprisingly suspense-filled movie. Poor old Ella was watching through her fingers at one point, just as I watched "The Strangers" last weekend. I don't want to ruin it for you so I will not reveal the plot but it's worth a watch! Good, clean fun! For me the best part of the movie was when Lily leaned her head over and snuggled in, Grace reached for my hand and Ella came over to sit on my lap. It was one of those moments where you can actually feel your heart grow. It reaffirmed to me that I need to ditch the list. With the exception of the floor being mopped, nothing I had planned for today was crossed of my list. However, I knew my accomplishments were far more than anything I could have listed. Tomorrow I think I
am just going to wing it!
***Oh, and this is a picture of Lily, still just sitting and waiting for Papa to come and take her to the zoo. She is furious as you can probably tell by her expression.
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