This blog is intended as a peek inside the oh so exciting and ever so thrilling day to day life of the Kolb family. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
What I learned in 2008...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas cookies and holiday.....
Prior to the flu outbreak, we were able to celebrate Christmas in grand style! We arrived in STJ at lunch time on Tuesday and basically spent the day relaxing and playing. The girls enjoyed the warmish temperatures with some sledding, animal hut building and snowball throwing.
Ella with a big smile even though she has no idea what Shrinky Dinks are! We did some on Saturday though and she proclaimed them to be "Awesome!".
Grace just can't believe she got a camera. I can't even count how many times I heard that in the past several days. Notice Lily in the background hugging Papa just because she was so happy for Grace.
THE red dress!
I'm seeing this picture retaken about 10 years from now for Prom!
Christmas morning, after many rousing games of Wii bowling, we hit the road to make it back to Sioux Falls in time for Christmas Mass. After Mass, the entire Kolb crew converged upon Nicole's house for another feast. Seriously, the amount of food I have consumed in the past week is absolutely obscene. Turkey, ham, hashbrown casserole and Cliff's corn were on the menu and we made short work of it. After a terrific slide show put together by our niece Liz, Santa made a surprise appearance. Good old Ella wouldn't be fooled though. She knew this couldn't be the real Santa because his belly wasn't nearly big enough! All three girls were completely and fell fast asleep on our way home from Nicole's.
Byron, the master turkey carver!
Lily knew better than to question Santa's true identity. She wanted that "candy land" (candy cane and the box of chocolates!
Lexi and her Santa
As of right now, I believe all gifts have been unpackaged and found a home. Just today alone, they have played with Lily's cash register and learning city, Grace's Pixos, Ella's jewelry designing kit, their mp3 players and the Cherry Blossom Market and are currently outside working on their snowman. It appears they may have enough to keep them busy through the rest of this week!
Our Christmas blessings are too numerous to count and we are grateful to be looking towards the New Year with many memories ready to unfold.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Santa Claus is coming to town.....
They were greeted with a six pack of strawberry Crush pop, bulging stockings and gifts galore. Santa left letters for each of the girls in their stockings which brought smiles to their faces, especially Ella's when it was read that Santa thought she was a "character who counts". The gift opening commenced and there were lots of ooh's and aah's. Lily could barely contain herself alternating between trying to rip everyone's presents open and hugging her sisters saying, "Oh, I'm so glad you got that.". When the destruction was complete, we had three happy girls. They really couldn't even pick a favorite gift although Grace immediately donned a sweater and pair of earrings she had received, Lily snuggled herself up in her new Tinkerbell blanket and froggy robe and Ella began furiously jotting notes to herself in her new password journal.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Oh the weather outside is frightful.....
The monkeys were a little loud!
It took her a couple minutes but Grace finally worked up the courage to pet this goat!
Today was a much different type of day! The wind whipping woke me up and didn't calm down all day. Church was cancelled due to the weather and so while Jason ran some errands, the girls and I snuggled in to watch the old classic, E.T. Grace and Ella both proclaimed it to be an awesome movie and Lily seemed to like what she saw from behind her hands. It was a little scary for her, I guess.
Anyway, off for baths and bed. Keep warm and enjoy your week!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Weekend Update with Jess and Jason....
***Lily, obviously, didn't think she needed the workout and was content observing.