Brr......what a difference a day makes. Yesterday was so beautiful (relatively speaking) so Jason hijacked us to go enjoy the weather. I had planned on spending my day making Christmas treats and organizing some things for the garage sale I am going to have in April. OK, maybe I don't need to start working on that quite yet so off to the zoo we went. Even though the weather was so nice, there weren't many people there and we had a terrific time. I think the funniest part was when Lily was standing at the bear exhibit looking through the glass and I overheard her saying, "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?". She really likes that book, obviously!
The monkeys were a little loud!
Posing with some of the animals in the museum
It took her a couple minutes but Grace finally worked up the courage to pet this goat!
Ella had a TaeKwonDo birthday party to attend in the afternoon but we had some time to kill so what better way to do that than by enjoying French Silk Pie at Perkins. After dropping Ella off, we took a little trip that Jason has been anxiously awaiting for many, many moons. Our brother-in-law, Byron, is an extraordinary mechanic and has taken on fixing up Jason's '68 Volkswagon Bug. The call came that the Bug was ready for pick up and Jason couldn't wait to get behind the wheel. Of course, his sidekick had to take the first ride with him. Grace thought it was pretty cool but noticed quite a difference between riding in that and riding in the Expedition. In fact, as they were cruising and she was checking it out, she asked Jason, "What's this?" while pointing at the window crank. I suppose it's been awhile since most of us have been in a car that doesn't have automatic windows!
Today was a much different type of day! The wind whipping woke me up and didn't calm down all day. Church was cancelled due to the weather and so while Jason ran some errands, the girls and I snuggled in to watch the old classic, E.T. Grace and Ella both proclaimed it to be an awesome movie and Lily seemed to like what she saw from behind her hands. It was a little scary for her, I guess.
Anyway, off for baths and bed. Keep warm and enjoy your week!
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