Saturday, June 20, 2009

Daddy's girl....

I cannot count the number of times my mom has said to me, "You are just like your father." This statement is usually made with much exasperation. Ironically, our ability to make those around us incredibly exasperated is one way we happen to be alike. There are many other traits that I can see we share (beyond the obvious-superior intelligence and supermodel-like good looks); our passion for all things culinary, our love of practical jokes, our fiery TEMPERment, our incessant list making, our tendency to ruminate for entirely too long over the most basic and trivial of issues, our use of file folders and travel journals, our reluctance to participate in unfamiliar social situations, our habit of overexplaining things, just the teensiest bit of control issues and our inability to have "just one more".

It is my hope that in addition to these characteristics, Mom also sees in me some of the more favorable traits that I see in my Dad. Such as his unwavering devotion to his family and his willingness to go the extra mile for those he loves. His ability to make others laugh and create humor in the lives of others and his strong work ethic. His incredible convictions which can at times be seen as stubbornness but I appreciate as standing up for what he believes in. You see, while sometimes Dad can come across as a bit of a goofball, I know the truth (besides the fact that he is a huge goofball~not a bit of one). The truth is that my Dad is a wonderful man and father. The truth is without my Dad's love and support throughout my entire life, I could not be the person I am today. Everything I do is somehow tied to Dad~from washing my car to caring for my own children. Through his actions, Dad has shown me unconditional love and for that I will be eternally grateful. Because of Dad's love, I know that my mistakes do not define me and no matter what, he is always in my corner. Thinking back on my childhood, I realize my dad was on the road a lot but never once did I not feel his presence. Never once do I feel he let me down or that I couldn't count on him. I don't know what I would have done without my Dad then and I don't know what I would do without him now.

So many of my most wonderful memories involve Dad and his antics~fishing with the girls, "South is the Key", our phone conversations that go around and around and never really get us anywhere, the long drive home from Augustana after my freshman year, driving through the St. Peter Psychiatric Treatment Center grounds with him yelling, "Where's the dumb blonde drop-off?", pulling up in front of the Timberlodge and having him ask someone walking by where the Timberlodge is, telling the server at a restaurant "Oh, no thank you, we don't care for anything else." when she drop off the check at the table, our awesome "free popcorn at the Princess Theater" trick on Jes. All I have to do is think of these things and my day is instantly brighter.

"A daughter needs a dad....who will always make sure she has a place to come home to. show her how it feels to be loved unselfishly. be the standard against which she will judge all men.
....who will influence her life even when he isn't with her. protect her when she is not wise enough to protect herself. teach her what it means to always be there. give her a strong, willful character. show her that true love is unconditional. stand with her on the day she marries the man she hopes will
be just like her father. help her become the best mother she can be. help her find her way in life.
....because without him she will have less in life than what she deserves."
From the book, "Why A Daughter Needs A Dad" by Gregory E. Lang

It is for these reasons and so many more, that I need my dad. Dad, thank you for always being there. I could not be more proud to be compared to you. Happy Father's Day! I love you.~Your little girl

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