This weekend marked the beginning of our Christmas celebrations and we could not have had a better start. First up was our "So Long Sucka" party for my dear friend, Kristin. Kristin thinks that just because she is married now, she needs to live with her husband in Iowa. We decided we couldn't let her go without a proper send off. Bacon wrapped weinies, nacho cheese dip, a few beers and gin drinks seemed to be just the perfect adieu. Speaking solely for myself, it was a pretty great party and I sincerely hope Kristin (and Chris) know how much they will be missed and will return frequently.
Saturday brought with it sleeping in, a luscious lunch of grilled meats prepared by Jason, the grill master extraordinaire, a nice afternoon nap and hopefully my last round of grocery shopping for at least a week. If I go to HyVee one more time in the next couple days, I swear they are going to make me an honorary cashier or something. Seriously, it's getting a little ridiculous. It's maybe time to scale back a little when the employees not only know my name but also my children's' names.
And then it was Sunday. The day the girls have been counting down to for weeks now. Ella came and woke Jason and I up and told us, "When I woke up, I was laying in my bed smiling." We had a nice big breakfast of a pannekueken, green eggs and ham and sausages intended to tide us over until our Timberlodge meal after church. The girls were then asked to clean up their rooms and get ready for church. When I heard the rumblings of trouble between the three of them in the basement, all it took was a "You better not act up. Santa is watching and may not show up if you guys are going to be naughty." and order was quickly restored. Cookies and milk for Santa and celery and water for the reindeer were set out and off our sleigh went to church (after a quick photo op, of course...And yes I am aware that Lily, with her white socks, black shoes and slicked back hair, resembles an extra from the movie, Grease.)
Santa and his Coca-Cola truck had rolled into town and made a pit stop at our local Hy-Vee. As we were walking up to join the line, Lily informed us, "Santa is very generous. He likes to give everyone gifts." After a very brief wait, the girls were at the front of the line, hopped up on his lap, smiled like the professional models they are and gave him a couple of quick ideas of gifts.
After a snuggle with the Coca-Cola bear and their bottles of Coke in hand, the girls anxiously scampered back to the vehicle ready to find out if Santa had in fact, come to town.
Jason and I tried to talk the girls into a short ride around town to look at Christmas lights but after a full day of waiting, they just couldn't take another moment so home we went. They burst through the door and quickly noticed the milk and cookies were gone so they knew HE had been there. Things went about as you would expect after that. Smiles, squeals and happiness filled the house. My ears are still ringing from Lily squeaking "I can't believe Santa brought me an umbrella. I can't believe Santa brought me rollerblades. Etc., etc., etc." To say they were excited is a definite understatement.
Ella, in awe over the "diamond" Santa left in her stocking... (Notice Lily in the background delighted as well....)
Grace giggling that Santa knew she needed a new kickstand for her bike....
Look, a skateboard for my American Girl....
Oh.My.Gosh. I cannot believe I got a Jack-In-The-Box! This is so awesome!
Lily modeling her Snow White ensemble while enjoying her Tinkerbell umbrella all the while thinking, "Ella was right. This is the best day ever."
Gifts were opened, hugs were exchanged and that was that. I have to say, my best moment came from dear old Ella. About a week and a half ago, Lily dropped and broke Ella's Leapster. Attempts were made to fix it to no avail and it was determined to be "junk". While Ella was incredibly disappointed and sad, not once did she whine, get angry with Lily or ask for a replacement Leapster. Jason and I were both so impressed with how well she handled this that we decided to give her one extra present, a replacement Leapster. When she opened it, she had a huge smile on her face. I told her we had gotten that for her as a reward for how well she handled Lily breaking hers and that we were very proud of her. Upon hearing that, she charged over to me, gave me a big hug, turned to Jason, gave him a big hug and tearfully told him, "Thank you Daddy. I love you so much." She then gave me another hug and still crying, told me, "This is so special to me. Thank you." Of course, being the big baby I am, I cried and was surprised to see Grace tearing up as well. The appreciation Ella felt for this gesture made every moment of stress and every dollar spent so worth it. The fact that we were able to experience her gratitude and acknowledgement just reinforced my pride in her. She saw past the materialism and was able to see the love that goes into the gifts.

Grace with the movies, Wii game and chapstick Santa delivered....
A rock crystal growing kit~just what I have always wanted...
As we continue this week of Christmas celebration, I hope that we can all not only see but feel the love. Leapsters, American Girls, umbrellas and cameras are wonderful. However, the true gifts of time, love, generosity and thoughtfulness are the sources of true joy and the spirit of the season. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday to all of you.
"Gifts of time and love are surely the most basic ingredients for a truly merry Christmas"~Peg Braken
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