Yesterday Grace competed in her free throw competition with stellar results. The preliminaries took place a couple of weeks ago with the two top free throwing girls and two top free throwing boys from each of the four 4th grade classes moving on to the finals. Grace and her friend Sadie, were the representatives from 402 and did a great job. Grace looked like an old pro stepping up to the line and tossing up sweet shot after sweet shot. She ended up taking 3rd place out of all the 4th grade girls. Where did my shy, reserved Gracie, who would never in a million years have the confidence to stand in front of her classmates and bleachers full of adoring parents with all eyes on her, go? I'm not sure who was more proud, Grace or her mommy and daddy.
Today was Lily's 3rd of 4 dance classes and once again, I was struck by her sweet little nature, her impeccable manners and her fantastic listening skills. Throughout the 45 minute class, she is so attentive and determined~following the teacher's every move. After class the teacher approached me and inquired as to Lily's age. When I told her she was 3, Miss Becky replied, "She is a very mature three. I hope you continue with classes for her." and handed me a flyer for an upcoming class. Of course, Lily just smiled at Becky with her beautiful little smile and told her, "Have a nice day." oblivious to how absolutely wonderful she is. And then there is Ella. Poor Ella has struggled with a cough, cold and sore throat for about a week with very little complaining. Upon discovery of the strep throat bug that has invaded her, Ella's greatest concern and source of bummer-dom was the fact that she would have to miss school. Bless her heart. Plus, could she be any greater in this brown hat that she loves to wear?
It just never ceases to amaze me that these three little girls~sisters, daughter and best of friends~can have the same biological make-up and the same upbringing and be so incredibly different but still fill me with such love and happiness. I love Grace's analytical, stoic demeanor that hides so well the thoughts and feelings that I know are rolling around in that pretty little head of hers. Ella's determination and highly intense emotions are the essence of Ella and make her unafraid to share with the world what's in her heart. And my little Lily~so fantastically sweet and easy going that when that spunk that resides inside pops out, it catches you off guard.
How do I possibly deserve these three? Today is one of those days when things, circumstances, petty annoyances were at the forefront of my mind~a bill paying snafu, a car that is running at less than 100%, the endless cycle of cleaning the house. And then I took a moment, a much needed moment to stop and think. Watching Lily dance gave me the time to realize the miracles I have been given. Somehow it was decided I was the protector and guardian of these beautiful girls' souls and no checkbook mistake, bad fuel pump or messy room can change that. While every day chores and errands are part of my life, ensuring these little miracles know how meaningful they are to me is my life.
"The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."~Pablo Casals