After weeks of anticipation, Lily's big day of dance had finally arrived. Luckily Jason was free and was able to chauffeur his little starlet to the studio...

Deciding her hot pink tutu may be overkill for her first day on the scene, Lily carefully selected a more demure and understated leotard with pants ensemble and settled in for introductions and directions...

With the formalities out of the way, it was time to pull out the glittered, rattle eggs and bust a move...

Without hesitation or shyness, Lily quickly made a new friend. I believe it was the colorful skirt Lauren wore that drew Lily to her...

Sashaying was the next order of business and Lily showed them how it was done...

Every once in awhile, she gave Jason and I a quick look just to make sure we were still paying attention and were witnessing her awesomeness...

Leaps followed the sashay practice and though Lily could jump over that fake mud puddle with the best of them, the graceful leaping may need some fine tuning...

Check me out Miss Becky, I totally rock...

Lily was a model student. She took turns, volunteered to be a helper and most importantly, listened closely to instruction...

Finally it was time to break out the true ballet moves~the circle arms...

Fortunately Lily has practiced this particular move most of her life and was an old pro...

And was pretty stellar at twirling as well, if I do, as a completely unbiased mama, say so myself...

Stretching, not so much. I guess we will work a little bit on the fine art of stretching...

Class dismissed and this, my friends, is the face of a blissed out, satisfied, beautiful little dancer...

And for those of you who thought this day could not get any better, well, you would be wrong. When we got home, there was a bright red, perfectly round, juicy tomato grown by Miss Thang, herself, waiting to be plucked off the vine.

Today was the stuff dreams are made of with a cherry tomato on top.
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