June 11th is one of the most important days of the year. In 1742 Benjamin Franklin invented the Franklin stove. The Iowa Territory was established on June 11, 1838. Mrs. Lois Palmquist, my Great Aunt was born on June 11, some years ago. The temperature only reached 31 degrees in Cleveland in 1972, making it the coldest June 11th on record. June 11, 1978, the movie Grease was first seen on the big screen and in 1982, the box office blockbuster, ET, was released. And on this day in 1983, the best rock ballad ever to be recorded, "When I'm With You" by Sheriff, peaked at #61 on the charts. Clearly all of these events are memorable, notable and oh so important.
They all, however, pale in comparison to the most noteworthy event to occur on any June 11th, to date~Jason's birth. The world welcomed an unbelievably fantastic individual and became a better place because of it. Little did anyone know just what an incredible man that beautiful baby would become. He became a father who more than earns his title with every heartfelt hug he gives his girls, the care and compassion he shows them every day and the laughs and wisdom he shares regularly. He is a husband whose understanding and love is more than any wife could possibly ask for, whose sense of humor makes every day special and whose devotion makes me know just how lucky I am. And he became a man whose honesty and integrity is unquestionable, whose willingness to work hard and give back whenever possible is an inspiration and whose positive outlook on life is astounding. Now if that is not a man worth a little celebration, I don't know who is!
Jason's not big into birthdays but we couldn't let the day pass without some pomp and circumstance. First up was the required photo on the front stoop...
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