The day Lily and I have both been dreading was finally upon us...the first day of preschool. Lily has maintained for weeks "I don't want to go to school." She has announced that with a smile on her face and also with tears in her eyes. Of course, we were quick to assure her that "School is going to be so awesome. You are going to learn so much, have the most fun ever and meet so many new friends." As recently as this morning, she didn't seem to be buying our promises nor was she buying into the always successful bribing technique. When she told me she wasn't going to school, I informed her that I had a special treat if she was a good girl. Not one to fall for such lame parenting tactics, she immediately replied, "I don't want a treat. I don't want to school." At that point, I was certain drop off was not going to go smooth.
As the morning turned into afternoon, brand new tennis shoes were double knotted and it was time to throw on the new Tinkerbell backpack. She was ready...
Her daddy was ready...
I was not...not ready for this moment, not ready to let go...
But let go I must and so off to school we went. Lily's fears and anxieties apparently forgotten in the rush of all the excitement...
And she marched right up to the door, chattering all the way...
Introductions to the only other girl in her class went well and without a second's hesitation, she sat down, poised for an afternoon of new, exciting experiences...
One last hug for Dad and we were out the door. No tears in her eyes, only mine...
Wishing I had one drop of the courage and confidence of my baby. Resigned to my fate while she was embracing hers~another lesson to be learned from the little ones, to not just accept our situations but relish them. There are things in life we just have to do, like it or not. Might as well make the best of them. It would have been so easy and even expected for Lily to kick and scream, cry and cling. She isn't used to being away from her mommy. She doesn't know any of these people I was leaving her with. But she didn't do any of these things that would have been perfectly normal. Lily took our promises and assurances and believed them and because of that, she was able to begin this new chapter of her life with a smile on her face and hope in her heart. I hope some day she can understand how proud I am of her. She was happy. So am I. Happy to be this beautiful little girl's mommy. Happy that the only tears that fell this afternoon were my own. But most of all, happy that 2 1/2 hours is only 150 minutes and then she will be home, where she belongs.
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