Lily and I spent another leisurely afternoon at the zoo yesterday. While I, obviously, love all three of my girls equally and unconditionally, these little escapes to the zoo, just Lily and I, are infinitely special to me. Special due to Lily's unparalleled love of all animals, because of her unique view on everything she sees and due to the fact she, out of the three girls, most loves zoo excursions. A love that brings on physical sensations apparently. She told me as we were getting ready to leave, "Mom, my heart feels all shivery because I'm so excited to go to the zoo."
*God bless her shivery heart.*
Lily loves having her photo taken with any and all of the creatures. She gets right down on their level and strikes a pose...

Sometimes she is a little apprehensive to completely turn her back on her co-star but smiles away, nonetheless...

For just over an hour, we meandered about, viewing every nook and cranny...

Just as fierce as we could be...

Paco was happy to see us again...

We took a brief detour off the beaten path to get up close and personal with the ducks and the river...

And for a couple of pictures in the "tree fort"...

Excited to visit the brand new rhino exhibit...

we were not disappointed...

Lily very much appreciated the rhinos' new digs and deemed the new habitat to be perfect for the rhinos, especially when it gets snowy. She then wondered aloud, "Do rhinos have snow clothes?" I assured her that although this guy probably does not have snow clothes, he will be well taken care of during the winter months...

Next we began searching for the baby giraffe. We first stopped by the indoor pen. The baby giraffe wasn't there but we did get a chance to check out the adorable meerkats. Lily was a very informative tour guide. Apparently Lily's TV viewing has paid off because thanks to Diego, Lily was able to explain to me that "Meerkats are very good climbers. Just like iguanas."...

Bidding the meerkats adieu, we located the baby giraffe in her outdoor living quarters...

And marvelled at how big she has grown since our last visit...

The children's zoo was our next stop and Lily happily fed the goats and greeted this guy with a "Hi Billy Goat" and a friendly smile and wave...

On our way to the monkeys, Lily had to check out more ducks...

And fell in love with the swans. She acted as though she had never noticed them before and gushed about how beautiful they were...
Finally tearing herself away, we hit up the monkey house. As much as she loves the monkeys, I almost think she loves these dang bats even a little more. She was completely fascinated. I was completely grossed out...

My favorite part of going to the zoo is listening to Lily's unending commentary on all of her observations. She pondered important questions such as "Do monkeys have billfolds?"~(she seriously asked me that)...

And impressed me with her ability to see the beauty in all of God's creatures, even the king vulture who could well be the most hideous of any living being. Lily decided that although he is kind of weird looking, he is also very cool because his head is so colorful...

90 minutes later, we returned to our vehicle and headed home. Spending time with Lily is good for my soul. Her innocent spirit is so filled with joy and appreciation for the little things. As we walked along, she casually commented, "This is the perfect temperature for me." The fact that she is able to not only recognize but also express her appreciation for the things that I typically overlook in my constant rushing, is another lesson learned. Sometimes all it takes is a short drive across town and entrance into our own little escape for me to remember what truly matters in this life. Thankfully that escape is available and I have a partner in crime who is more than willing to accompany me. I don't know if Lily's heart was still shivery when we left but I do know mine was...
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