Yep, you read that correctly, we went camping. I think by now we have established that I am not really an outdoorsy sort of gal and have put camping very low, like right above giving up Mexican food for life and right below getting up at 4AM every morning for the rest of my life, on my list of things I really, really want to do. However, our good friends, the Zimmer's, are camping enthusiasts and have been after us for quite some time to join them on a rustic getaway. I know a lot of people love to camp and I agree the whole notion of camping is incredibly wholesome, Swiss Family Robinson-esque but it just isn't my cup of tea. Sleeping outdoors, eating outdoors, relaxing outdoors~that's a lot of outdoors activity for a primarily indoor inclined 34 year old. The other four members of my family do not share my aversion to the great outdoors and think the idea of camping is really quite quaint so when Neal mentioned to Jason there was an weekend in the woods planned and invited us to join them, Jason eagerly accepted the invitation and before I could slap a mosquito, I found myself assisting Jason with a tent set up. We, in typical Kolb fashion, packed the Expedition to the hilt for a 24 hour trip but one never knows what one might need when out in the middle of nowhere (or Oakwood Lakes State Park). After the tent was erected, the quintessential campfire was lit and the s'more making commenced.

Thank you to Neal and Lynette for their hospitality and thank you to my wonderful husband, Mr. Kolb, for once again pushing my limits for the greater good. I highly doubt we are going to be in the market for a camper anytime in the near future but don't be surprised to catch me (possibly even more than once) next summer sitting around a campfire with a s'more in one hand, a Coors Light in the other and a great big smile on my face.
"Camping~nature's way of promoting the motel industry."~Dave Barry
The girls just ran around having the grandest time with Megan and Zach and their neighbors, Trevor and Jacob. Around 10PM, Lily told me she was ready for bed and Ella quickly followed suit.
Grace and Megan hung in there awhile longer but were pretty tuckered out and turned in also.
I was offered the option of sleeping in the camper or the tent. As alluring as the camper berth sounded, I opted for the tent and finally turned in around 2AM. Remarkably, I drifted off to slumber after just the minimum tossing and turning but awoke bright and early, unsure of the time but knowing full well it was way earlier than I cared for. After realizing I would not be falling back asleep, I arose resigned to an early start. I was happy to hear the girls all slept soundly and wasn't the least bit surprised to hear that Lily began telling stories as soon as she opened her pretty little eyes and hadn't yet stopped. Her topics ranged from her love of monkeys and her dislike of gorillas to her marital status. Our morning was spent showering in the surprisingly clean public showers, lounging and a quick gas station run for gas, ice, pizza slices and the world famous San Luis Red Hot Burrito, mmmmmm. We were hoping for sun but settled for no rain and trekked down to the beach. Unfortunately it just wasn't a very beachy kind of day and our visit was rather short lived. A little swimming, a little eating, a little metal detecting, a little sandcastle building and back to the campsite we went to prepare for our departure. 
You know for all the apprehension I had about camping, I really did enjoy myself. I'm still not crazy about sleeping outside, the bugs, campfire smoke blowing in my face or having to continually dig for my things out of the back of my vehicle but I found out those minor issues are greatly overshadowed by all the good things: spending time with good friends, seeing the girls catching frogs, petting dogs and horses, enjoying their good friends and getting to do something out of the ordinary and therefore extraordinary.
"Camping~nature's way of promoting the motel industry."~Dave Barry
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