Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Best of 2009...

Here we are, the 2nd day of 2010. What will this year bring? It's hard to say but what isn't hard to say is that 2009 was a pretty sweet year. We had so many fantastic moments and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to look back on those memories and present what I feel is the BEST OF 2009....
Lily's best quotes:
"This smells so refreshing."~as she opened her McDonald's Happy Meal
"Ella, you are a naked American."
"I hate shopping. It makes me feel like I'm going to a funeral."
"Mom, you are as good of a fry cook as Spongebob."
Best Amusement Park rider of the year:
Grace for her fearless conquering of each and every scary ride at Valleyfair with gusto!
Best recounting of "The attack of the lefrechauns"...

(This video also wins, Best mispronunciation and Best "What the hell just happened while I was sleeping?" moment.)

Best eyewear....

Best super model pose...

Best birthday EVER....
Disney World, swimming and a serenade by TGI Friday's finest. I'm afraid any birthday from here on out is just going to be a bit of a let down.

Best attempt to cage a wild animal... Best snowman, St. Nick... Best "I cannot believe this is actually happening to me. Do you people realize this is a REAL RED CARPET?" moment...

Best reaction to exciting news...

Best posting in a public building... Best ensemble (non-rock concert)... Best (and to be fair, only) camping trip... Best possible future career path, Roller Dollz.... Best transport....
I sure do love mass transit. Best non-scheduled detour....
The apple orchard outside of Jordan, MN is the coolest place ever. Best ensemble (rock concert)... Best attempt at playing Password...
You just had to be there to see these two try to figure this game out. It is impossible for me to describe level of confusion.Best day at the lake...
Lake Pahoja~the hidden jewel of Iowa. This day was quite possibly the best day of the year. It was a pretty awesome day. Best night out on the town...
My birthday date at Minerva's and then a tour of the sculptures downtown. Could not have been a better night. It was so great, it deserves two pictures... Best "I should be a scenic photographer" photo... Best "I cannot believe I am standing here posing for a picture with Sleeping Beauty. Do you guys get that this is a real live Disney princess and I am standing right next to her?" moment... Best "We are jumping into the ocean for the first time and it is so, so unbelievably cool" moment. This particular moment is also in the running for the best moment of my life and one of my favorite pictures of all time. There are no words to describe the elation these girls felt. Best "I am so happy I can barely even sit here without completely freaking out" moment...
This was Ella's 1st "friend" birthday party and her joy was out of this world. Best "I totally ruled you Flat Stanley" moment...And finally, here are some of my random "Best of 2009" photos....

We've already got a great start to 2010. Our New Year's Eve was a cozy one at our favorite place of all, home! The girls were able to enjoy the evening with one of their besties, Miss Megan Zimmer. They sampled "kid's wine", were less than impressed and quickly switched to Sprite as their beverage of choice. While the girls ran wild in the basement, Jason and I rang in the New Year with a 6 hour Sequence marathon.

Thrilling, I know, but we wouldn't have rather been anywhere else.
The first day of the year was spent doing some shopping and Christmas gift exchanging. Ella was anxious to use her Claire's gift card and while she browsed for just the right item, Jason stumbled upon an accessory that he felt he had to have. Too bad his mortified shopping companion would not allow the purchase to go down. She did, however, acquiesce and pose for a picture as a compromise.
Lily pretty much just rocked it out in her pink tutu during our excursion and drew many amused looks and compliments on her fine style sense.
With our errands complete, it was time for a New Year's Day/Dawn's birthday celebration at the Timberlodge. It was a terrific event and just the right kick off for 2010~good family, good food and good times. What could be more perfect?
Wishing you all a new year filled with happiness, contentment, good health and best moments!

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