It's been a while so I thought I would update you all on what we have been up to lately....
We spent our two snow days cozily inside our house growing rock crystals...

Modeling some sweet goggles (all in the name of science, of course)....

Cooperatively painting Lily's princess/castle set...

Playing house???....

Excitedly anticipating our very fun upcoming events~the Glamour and Glitz gala for Grace and Ella on Friday night and the annual Kolb Family swimming party on Sunday...

And playing Sequence like it's our jobs....

***All this Sequence playing has made me brutally aware that: a. It's no longer a given that unless I consciously try to lose, I will win. and b. Ella throws her entire self into board games like she does everything else. Some of the quotes I have heard from her while in the thick of the game are: "Ooohh, it makes me so angry when things like this happen and I don't have the card I need." and "Well, at least she's giving us enough time." (when Grace had four in a row causing Ella and I to panic but taking forever to get her Sequence) and "Ooohhh, I wish I could give you a hint right now, Grace." and my personal favorite, "I hope you win this time, Mom."
I personally have spent some time on the following activities:
Researching the best new pair of eyeglasses for myself and in turn, the best place to purchase said eyeglasses.
Mentally arranging Lily's new bedroom furniture in anticipation of it's arrival.
Contemplating Lily's seriousness in accomplishing her career goal of cowboy girl. As we drove by a "farm" today, Lily was looking at the fenced area where the horses usually are and wistfully said, "That is where I will practice to be a cowboy girl." This may not be such a joke after all.
Looking back over old pictures and marvelling over how little my babies used to be and how heartwarmingly adorable they were/are...

realizing how lucky I am to be the possessor of these memories and the participant in the many more to come...

And vowing to not let these moments get away from me.

"Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life."~Sophacles
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