Another so-so result~Grace, the eye spy, noticed there was a foreign substance on her toothbrush and didn't buy my "Oh, that must just be dried toothpaste. I bet you didn't rinse it good enough last night." explanation and was certain the substance was salt. I finally fessed up and just told her to rinse it well and it would be fine. She followed my instructions but wasn't able to completely rinse the salt off and still got a"salt"ed. At this point of the morning, Grace asked the question, "How many pranks do you have set up for us today?" with a big smile on her face which made this particular trick worthwhile.
6. Lily wasn't about to be shown up by the rest of us and came up with her own little joke. She made a card for Jason but then glued it shut so he wouldn't be able to open it. The sheer fact that she thought up this harmless but amusing trick earns her a 10 on my scale. She's definitely in the running to be my protege with antics like that at such a tender age.
7. Taping a monkey photo over Jason's face on his driver's license. I am not able to properly rate the success of this prank due to a confidentiality breach. Lily let the cat out of the bag and so we will never be able to see this joke to fruition. Personally, I have laughed about how this may have gone many, many times over the past few days. It could have been beautiful.
8. Grace had one more trick up her sleeve~her old standby, the book in the pillowcase. It's an oldie but a goodie and gets Jason every time. However, this time she scored a triple whammy because when Jason made the discovery, he put the book that was in his pillowcase into mine. I, of course, laid right down without thinking about it and then after removing the book, switched pillows, laid down again only to be met with another book. She was thrilled to have gotten Jason once and me twice.
9. And finally my "coup de grace". I relayed a message to Jason that a "Mr. Lyon" had called and was in need of some work done at his house and supplied him with the appropriate phone number. Imagine his surprise when he called the number all prepared to be the consummate business man and was greeted with "Thank you for calling the Great Plains Zoo." Classic.
Oh, and these ensembles thrown together over the course of the past week by our resident fashionista....
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