And then tragedy struck. Poor old cowboy girl Lily saw the ponies. Poor old cowboy girl Lily wanted to ride the ponies. And poor old cowboy girl Lily has the meanest mom in the whole world and was not allowed to ride the ponies and here is the aftermath...My lame attempts to head this meltdown off at the pass obviously didn't quite pan out. In my omnipotence, I had anticipated this issue. Lily and I had a long and very mature conversation about the horse riding issue before we even left the house. Unfortunately hypothetical pony rides are very different from real life pony rides and Lily cracked. Understandable for a three year old with a dream. Of course, the circus worked it's magic and Lily's smile returned before you could say "Yee-haw". And now, as I predicted to Jason before the big show began, Lily not only wants to be a cowboy girl and and baker when she grows up, she also wants to be a circus performer.
With rain in the forecast for much of the weekend I was certain soccer would be postponed. Luckily the weathermen were wrong and the sun started shining and it was game on. Although Ella was bummed out to not score a goal, she assured us she played her hardest, did her best, helped out her teammates and they came out victorious...
which pleased her greatly...
Lily used her time wisely alternating between petting the coach's new dog and eating caramels...
Grace played right after Ella and put on quite an exhibition. She played soccer like it was her job. She ran, kicked, assisted and chased the ball down and kicked some more. She was on fire and then the big moment came~her first goal ever! It was so exciting, she was so proud of herself and if it weren't for the public spectacle issue, I would have cried like a little baby. I was so proud of her. She really just got out there and played with a focus and determination I have not seen from her and it was awesome!
Lily wasn't quite as impressed with Grace's prowess, preferring to spend her time protecting herself from the non-existent elements. She informed me that she just loves rainy days so she can use her umbrella. I wasn't about to burst her bubble and let her know that it wasn't actually raining.
Following our sporty afternoon, Jason and I were very much looking forward to a big night on the town. The girls were so thrilled to have Angela over to babysit that if I was a more sensitive type of person, my feelings might have actually been hurt. They had a fabulous time getting their nails painted and playing school while Jason and I enjoyed each other's company. Dinner at Minerva's (YUM), birthday shopping at Target and a few nightcaps at a local watering hole with a couple of good friends was the perfect way to celebrate 11 years of wedded bliss.
This blog is intended as a peek inside the oh so exciting and ever so thrilling day to day life of the Kolb family. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Weekend Fun...
Weekends are the best and this one was no exception. Friday night brought about the yearly excursion to the circus. I have to admit the circus is not my favorite kid friendly event but I was willing to grin and bear it for the smiles of my girls who absolutely love it. We settled in on the less than luxurious bleachers to take in the three rings....
The girls were mesmerized by the sounds, sights and of course, the clowns. Girls spinning on ribbons suspended above the arena floor, elephants and tigers putting on their show, dogs driving a car and the crazy motorcycles were as wonderful as you can imagine and then some. All three girls were pleased as punch to purchase their very own light up star wand....
Exciting by any stretch of the imagination? Nope.
But would I have it any other way? Not.A.Chance.
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