Tis the season of endings...the end of soccer season, the end of school and the end of my sweet little Moocher being 3 years old and it seems almost unbelievable to me that we are already at this point.
Soccer is winding down just as the weather finally starts to improve enough to make sitting there and watching extra enjoyable. Grace's game on Thursday night was by far the coldest game to date but we Kolbs are tough and cheered the Red Hots on to near victory. Grace played another great game and then smiled like the champ she is for her team photos...

Sunday was the much anticipated 4
th birthday of Miss Lily Jane. I was awakened by tiny little feet
pitter-pattering rapidly across the floor. She burst into our bedroom with a great big smile and hugs for Jason and I~her excitement palpable. We convened to the living room so she could open her gifts and begin the day of celebration.

The sheriff badge clip-on earrings were a nice touch to compliment the Horse/Cowboy Girl theme she had selected for her party...

After the girls had been tucked in for the night on Saturday, Jason and I transformed the garage into the Wild West (***or just hung up some wanted posters and balloons to make it mildly more interesting than a regular old garage but far from the Wild West Saloons of yore) for Lily's party on Sunday. This was a complete surprise to her and she was thrilled with the results.

However, before the festivities could begin, we had church to attend. I stole a moment for a quick photo, staring directly into the sun, with my wonderful birthday girl....

And of course, the birthday girl and her two most favorite people in the world...

We rushed home after Mass to put the finishing touches on things and finally, Lily's 4
th birthday party was kicked off!

Her horsey cake was fit for a cowboy girl and turned out just as adorable as you would have expected...
And it was finally the big moment Lily had been anxiously waiting for~time to blow out the candles. On two different occasions while out to eat, we have informed the waiter of Lily's birthday and both times Lily has been seriously let down. One time she did not receive a dessert of any type and the second time she was granted a dessert but no candle. I was the slightest bit annoyed when the dessert arrived and instead of happiness, Lily began crying. It was sort of odd as she isn't really much of a whiner but she was just
devastated that there was no candle. She implored us to get a candle from the waitress and we just weren't able to and promised her that at her party, she would be able to blow out her candles. That seemed to appease her but her sadness over the missing candle was somewhat mystifying to me. Finally on Sunday, it dawned on me. Lily truly believes that your birthday doesn't occur and you don't actually age until you blow out your candles so this moment was really a big deal to her. Patiently, she posed for the
requisite pictures...

And then slowly and very purposefully she blew out each of the candles individually. When the candles had been extinguished she looked up at me with the most wonderful look of happiness, satisfaction and relief. How a little person's mind works is so great!

Once the hot
chas, cake and ice cream were out of the way, everyone pretty much just enjoyed themselves. The kids played, the adults chatted and Lily was very much in birthday party heaven.

My sweet girl had a fabulous time at her very first birthday party devoted entirely to her. I cannot properly express the love and happiness this perfect cowboy girl brings to my life. There isn't a day that passes without me realizing what a gift Lily is to my life. Her sweetness, kindness, sense of humor and beautiful heart radiate from her and makes every moment brighter and every day more special. I love you, Moocher.

Monday brought another "event", this time involving Ella. Her class has been studying different countries and prepared group presentations for the parents. In addition to the country presentations, we were treated to the vocal
stylings of the class. As you can see in the picture, they were all super comfortable and stoked up about singing for us...

The poem about eating a worm finally brought a little smirk to Ella's face...

Ella's country was China and she had her information down pat. She was extremely proud of her poster and not so proud of the cookies her group had made. Jason and Lily each tried the cookies and agreed, they weren't quite the flavor of cookie we are accustomed to.

Overall Ella and her group-mates, Eric and Zach, were fine ambassadors of China and Jason, Lily and I highly enjoyed our visit.
The remainder of the week is filled with school year end activities and fun. Today the girls get to meet their teachers for next year, Thursday is the Last Day Luau and both Ella and Grace have the final soccer games this week.
All of these endings bring us to wonderful things...the beginning of sleeping in, lazy days, free time and fun. Summer is coming and we couldn't be happier about it.
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