Yesterday was our last day of school and in the world of John Harris Elementary, that means an all day party. This year the theme was "Last Day Luau". We put on our leis, took a quick last day of school snapshot and we off on our merry ways~Grace, Ella and I to the school while Lily was delivered to the Whaler's for her own day of fun.
As a member of the games committee, my duties for the day were to ensure the smooth running of coconut bowling, sand bucket grand prize game, tacky tourist relay, beach volleyball, hula hoop relay and the limbo. Unfortunately we ran into a bit of a snag due to the unrest of a grumpy volunteer and my hands were quite full during Grace's trip through the games and I was only able to get a couple of pictures of her enjoying her last moments of being a 4th grader...
One additional activity for the Last Day Luau was a coloring contest. All of the students were given a coloring sheet and were invited to enter. Ella was quite certain she would be selected as a winner and was extremely hopeful. Grace was not as sure in her talents and was not expecting a win. The committee members met to choose 1st and 2nd place for each grade. I bowed out gracefully as I knew I would not be an impartial judge and as it turns out, my vote wasn't needed and Grace and Ella's thinking was correct. Ella took first place for first grade and was just thrilled to pieces. She said, "When they were pronouncing the winners, I was all shivery because I was so happy." Here is the proud artist accepting her 1st place sand bucket and shovel...
A great end to a great year and a fantastic beginning to what is sure to be a fantastic summer...
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