This blog is intended as a peek inside the oh so exciting and ever so thrilling day to day life of the Kolb family. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Flat Stanley meets his match.....
Scissoring 101....
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend and a lifetime of good hair days!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Groundhog Day.......

Sunday, February 22, 2009
So many stories.....
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ahoy mateys!
Friday, February 13, 2009
My PDA.....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Extreme Makeover-Kolb Edition......
As you can probably tell by their smiles, they were all pleased with the results. I don't think Grace and Ella stopped smiling all night. They were both very excited to go to school today (although Ella was concerned about the boys falling in love with her again!). I wouldn't be surprised if they come home with many special Valentine's!
Monday, February 9, 2009
This's and that's......
2. While eating supper on Wednesday, Ella was expressing her "frustration" (yeah, right) at Tanner (a classmate) blowing her a kiss. She reported, "Tanner blew me a kiss, just like Ty did. Those two boys, I'm gonna be watching them!" Of course, she had a huge smile on her face while talking about this grave issue so I am thinking she was possibly somewhat flattered by the attention!
Thursday we had conferences and both Grace and Ella received rave reviews from their teachers. Grace earned very high marks on a writing assignment she completed. She was given the choice between writing about a particularly good or bad recess or about being a teacher for a day. Obviously, she chose to write about being a teacher since that is her first love. This assignment was then given to a teacher from a different school for grading. Mrs. Loge (Grace's teacher) said Grace's score was the highest she has seen. Jason and I have not seen this paper yet but are hoping to get to read it. Mrs. Costello (Ella's teacher) spoke about Ella's determination and desire to impress neither of which were surprises to us. Since being introduced to writing and math, Ella has logged many, many hours at the kitchen table working on each subject, all on her own, all because she wants to. The girl has drive like no one I have ever seen!
Friday while out doing shopping, Lily, once again, stopped me in my tracks with her insane vocabulary. Grace and Ella were gushing about a pair of shorts they both thought were SO CUTE! Lily, always one to jump on the cuteness bandwagon, took it to another level by exclaiming, "Those are so stinkin' adorable. They are just so incredible!" I think that is just how I would describe Lily!
Saturday was quite a mixed up day. I had it all planned out, as you would expect, and again, as you would expect, my plans were derailed. Ella had a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese at 10AM. Wow! Brave parents-definitely not my cup of tea. And then all three girls were invited to Emily Denevan's bday party at 12:45PM. The plan was for Jason to take Ella to the first party, then all of us pick her up, drop the 3 off at Emily's and Jason and I were going to use our two hours of child-free bliss grill shopping. We had purchased chicken legs and thighs in anticipation of this big moment and were greatly looking forward to replacing the grill we bought with wedding money almost 10 years ago! Unfortunately, Lily threw us all into a tail spin. Shortly after waking up, she began complaining of a sore neck and this quickly snowballed into full on wailing and neck clutching. Jason and I were extremely concerned as she was obviously in a great deal of pain. While he did the birthday party transporting, I took Lily to Urgent Care. Just getting the poor baby, out of her jammies (she insisted on getting dressed, against my advice) and into her car seat was enough to just about put me over the edge. When I arrived at the desk at the Urgent Care clinic, I was sweating, stressed out to the max and on the verge of tears myself. My presentation must have indicated as much because the receptionist but us on an express route to an exam room which was much appreciated. After a quick examination, a strep culture and a finger prick, poor Lily was in quite a state. The doctor was unable to find any evidence of an infection and chalked it all up to something muscle related and sent us on our way (Lily still unable to turn her head and still sobbing) with instructions to give Motrin and watch for a fever and swelling (either of which would then lead to a trip to the ER for a CT scan). Upon arrival home, Lily quickly fell asleep and appeared peaceful. A couple hours later she woke up and immediately began howling in pain again. A call to our regular pediatrician set our minds at ease when he recommended waiting and watching for 24 hours before running to the ER. Luckily we spoke with him, because about an hour later, she had completely snapped out of it and was back to her good ol' self, laughing, running and hiding from us.
I can't even put into words the extent of my worry and where exactly my mind went. At the risk of being melodramatic, I believe God puts these types of events in front of us to give us a moment's pause. To allow me to re-evaluate my priorities and really figure out what is important. I believe this may be one way of God answering my continual prayers for patience. I can tell you without hestitation, my ability to listen to the tears, whining and complaining over the last 36 hours is much more than it was prior to this mini-emergency. I am sure this will wear off in time but I am going to do my best to keep those memories of my fears close at hand as I know to many parents, those cries would be welcomed and wonderful sounds.
Sunday we capped the weekend off with a Hot Cha Cha themed birthday party for Jason's mom. After 12 years of protecting the Carter family secret recipe, I unveiled it to the Kolb family and I hope they all enjoyed it. We had a great time at the party and were glad to have everyone over.
The birthday girl!
Rachel, Ann Marie, Grace and Emily
Ella holding Victoria~Ella was really excited because she is pretty sure Victoria likes her!
Theresa and Johno
Mary and Lily couldn't take the excitement of the party and had to retire to watch Tom and Jerry!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Highlights of the week....
*JAKE'S PIZZA: No further comments necessary!
*GRACE, FUTURE SPORTSCASTER: We were watching the tail end of the Super Bowl and Jason had missed the final Cardinal's touchdown and exclaimed, "Oh the Cardinals are winning!". Grace was quick to very prissily inform him, "Yeah, Dad, they got a homerun!". DUH! Boy did she tell him!
Wishing you all a week full of highlights!