Where do I even begin? We have had several fun-filled, action packed days and I couldn't be forced to pick a favorite even if I was threatened to have Mexican food removed from my diet. I guess the easiest and most fair way to relive these moments would be chronologically. First up was our celebration of Ella. Thursday and Friday, Ella was KO3's "Star of the Day(s)". With this honor comes a great deal of responsibility; line leading, snack bringing, adoration receiving, you know the drill. Ella took this title very seriously and as the official snack bringer, she pondered and pondered, wanting to bring the best snack around. The obvious choices for her were Oreos and my chocolate chip cookies. As usual with these serious and momentous decisions, it did not come easily. First, the "star" for Tuesday and Wednesday brought Oreos. Ella was distraught and it took quite a lot of convincing for her to finally decide it would be OK to duplicate. My chocolate chip cookies went all Flat Stanley on me and while they tasted awesome, they were just too embarrassing to send to school. I wouldn't allow it and we had to quickly turn to plan B, another Ella fav, blueberry muffins. Ella used this snack opportunity to very subtly profess her love for a classmate and taught me a lesson in the process. While handing out the muffins, she presented Max with the muffin with the most blueberries. How very clever she is! Apparently this is an effective way to reveal a crush as he repaid her with a kiss on the arm.
Flicka is a male and they desperately wanted a female fish. I didn't quite know why they wanted a female so badly and didn't really pursue an answer. I finally found one this morning though when I heard Ella excitedly ask Grace, "Is Ruby having babies?". Without going into too much detail, I explained Ruby would not be having babies as she would have to share a bowl with a male fish to have babies. Ella told me, "No, Mom, Ruby is a girl so she is going to have babies." Again, I reiterated that would require a male fish. She didn't quite get it but I breathed a huge sigh of relief when she didn't push me for an explanation.
After a quick meal of Papa John's pizza, Jason, Grace, Ella and I departed to set up for the big fair. Boy was I suprised to see the number of entries. As I have mentioned, I have never attended a Science Fair and was pleasantly surprised. It actually was a lot of fun. Ella and Jason paired up and handled "Tornado Alley" and Grace and I presented "Popcorn Party". I was so proud of Grace. Many people approached her display to ask questions and find out information and she handled it like a seasoned pro. When the 3 male Washington High School student judges approached, I couldn't even tell she was nervous (although she informed me via a conversation I overheard her having with a friend, that she was extremely jittery, sweaty palms and all). Jason reported Ella had a little more difficulty overcoming her shyness but did great anyway and received many positive comments on her project. The three big winners are going to be revealed at school tomorrow but as far as Grace and Ella are concerned, they won the moment they received their participation ribbons.
A visit with Grandma and Papa just wouldn't be complete without at least one "situation" and Saturday morning's trip to the car wash for Papa, Grace and Lily provided us with that "situation". Shortly after they left to wash the car, I received a phone call from Dad informing me the door had closed on them and they were locked in the car wash. Obviously we all know it is just plain stupid to take any story from Dad at face value so I immediately told him to knock it off as he was scaring the girls. It wasn't until I heard Lily sobbing in the background and Grace, in a panicky voice, inform me they really were locked in that I believed him. Jason grabbed his shoes ready to rescue them as I called the car wash and relayed the emergency to the attendant who assured me he would save my daughters. Lily had her own idea (after she finally stopped crying). She told Grace and Papa, "Maybe we should say 'abri' to open the door". For those of you not well versed in Dora-speak, "abri" means "open" in Spanish. Remarkably, the door actually opened as she was saying this (due to the attendant's arrival on the scene, not because Lily has developed magical powers). That little girl just never ceases to amaze me! As you can guess, Lily and Grace are not too excited about going to the car wash again anytime soon.
After this traumatic morning, a hearty meal at Texas Roadhouse was definitely in order. Mom and Dad had heard good things so wanted to give it a whirl and they were not disappointed in the least bit. Dad urged Jason and I to order twice the amount of food we really wanted, just so he could have snacks for later. We had an obscene amount of food on our table. It was bordering on embarrassing actually. I am happy to report, we did not consume all of this in one sitting. I was shocked when Dad even had leftovers to box up. I guess it's true, there is a first time for everything. Dad already said we will be going back there next time they are in town and Mom agrees, especially since Dad chowed down the remaining half of her chicken fried steak (along with a half a rack of ribs for his midafternoon appetizer) and feels he owes her another meal!
Following our excessive lunch, we needed to burn off some calories and what better way to do that than shopping. Dad and Jason just couldn't have been more thrilled at the prospect. Actually they were pretty good sports about it and we had a lovely afternoon. After a couple of hours of R&Rat home, Jason and I readied ourselves for a night out with the Kolb adults.
Once we were assured the girls were in most capable hands, we headed south to Renner, SD to meet up with Jason's family for supper at The Monarch. I kind of felt like a total pig gourging myself twice in one day but what am I supposed to do when faced with such good food. Another steak went down and I must tell you if you are ever in the area, the cheese spread that is on the salad bar at The Monarch is worth the trip all by itself. If my purse wasn't so full already, I would have filled a coffee mug and smuggled some out. YUM! Jason and I had a great time hanging out with the family and want to thank John and Connie, once again, for a terrific night out! I resisted the urge to call home and check on the girls, mostly because I knew either Mom and Dad wouldn't even answer or if they did, they would probably just hang up on me. I was certain they were having a glorious time playing Wii and Kerplunk so I wasn't too worried.
After partaking in a few drinks in the Monarch lounge, Jason and I headed for The Attic which is a new bar/grill near our house to meet up with Neal, Lynette, Kristin and Chris for a couple more nightcaps.
Mom and Dad took off Sunday morning and I had three sad faces watching them leave. I would like to thank Mom and Dad for making it to the science fair~it meant so much to Grace and Ella that you made it, for coming to babysit~it was nice to be able to go out with no worries (except for what type of sabotage Dad set up for me) and for being such good parents to me~I know it isn't always easy. Jason and I are both very lucky to have the role models we have as parents and the girls are so blessed to have two fantastic sets of grandparents.
"Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children."~Alex Haley
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