Yesterday was a big day in the Kolb household! I made the command decision it was time for haircuts around the horn (well, for the girls anyway). It's been quite awhile since their last snip session and they were all beginning to resemble the shaggy dog. I thought it would be best to ease Lily into the idea as this would be her first foray into the stylist's chair. She, of course, was thrilled with the idea. I told her, "Once you are done getting your hair cut, you are going to look so beautiful". Her response was, "I am beautiful". Wouldn't it be great to have that confidence?
I surprised Grace and Ella with the news as they walked in the door afterschool. The announcement was met with whoops of joy, just as I expected. As we were trying to get on our merry way, Lily decided it was time to completely lose her cool and freaked out to the maximum; complete with foot stomping, door slamming and tears as big as horse turds. She was adamant she was not going to be getting her hair cut. Thankfully, Grace and Ella were able to work their big sister magic on her and she wiped away her tears and fears! Oh, thank God for big sisters! Anyway, without further ado, the before and after pictures.
As you can probably tell by their smiles, they were all pleased with the results. I don't think Grace and Ella stopped smiling all night. They were both very excited to go to school today (although Ella was concerned about the boys falling in love with her again!). I wouldn't be surprised if they come home with many special Valentine's!
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