The fancy lady sponsored "Groovin to the 70's" party was a major hit with the ankle biters. Of course, there were a few snags that needed to be worked out early on in the day which caused one student to comment "This fun day sure isn't very much fun." He's lucky I was feeling so groovy and far out otherwise he would have been on the receiving end of my "playground" voice. Other than that, the kids shoe kicked, sack raced, disco danced, pet rock painted, relay raced and 50 yard dashed the day away. Before I knew it my back, feet and legs were killing me and the clock had struck 2:45PM.
With Kindergarten and 3rd Grade already a distant memory, the summer had officially begun.
Grace went home with a friend for yet another party (who does she think she is with all these parties anyway, me at 15 years old?) On our final carpool transport of the 2008-2009 school year, it was unanimously decided a slushie stop was in order. Loaded up with slushies, we dropped our boys off and rushed over to the Whaler's to pick up Moocher. As you probably were able to surmise from the above video, Lily had an absolutely fabulous day filled with playing at the park, grilled cheese sandwiches and a trip to the zoo. Thanks so much to Theresa, Dawn and the rest of the Whaler crew for showing Lily such a great time!
Another party was on the docket for Friday night with the Goulds, Denevans and part of the Zimmer clan to celebrate the last day of school. Lots of fun chatting and hanging out. When Emily lost her baby, Lily offered to help find it informing Emily, "I will find it. I have super powers." Emily explained to Lily she could find it herself to which Lily quickly replied, "Oh, do you have super powers?" What a dandy!
Today was another big day for us! We woke Lily by dumping a whole bunch of balloons on her which was received quite as well as I was envisioning.....
She declared "It is not my birthday. I do not want it to be my birthday." (I can't even imagine how she is going to handle turning 30 if she is balking at turning 3!) As adamant as she was, even telling Grandma during her birthday phone call "I decided not to have a birthday.", we opted to just have "Lily's special day" instead of "Lily's birthday". She quickly changed her tune though when the doorbell rang and there stood they Hy-Vee delivery man with a beautiful vase filled with flowers, three festive balloons and a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter cups.
Maybe this birthday thing isn't so bad after all!
It was a early and extremely cold but very successful morning of soccer. Ella hammered home two goals just as she had during her last game. And just like her last game, one of those goals came during her kick off. She had set her sights high last Tuesday when she played, telling me "Mom, I want to score 100 goals today." I thought maybe it was better just to worry about one at a time and she compromised with four. Between last game and today's she hit her goal so I guess she was on to something! Grace's game was a little warmer at 12PM and lots of fun. Although she didn't score any goals, she played awesome and has really come along way in her skills over the past six weeks.
Very proud following one of her goals!
(These soccer pictures were taken on Tuesday when the weather wasn't hovering around freezing like it was today!)
A piping hot birthday lunch at Casa Del Rey was just what the doctor ordered and the doctor was right on the money! Lily made short work of her cheese enchilada.....
That's my girl!
Gifts have been opened.....
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