Yahoo! Tomorrow is the last day of school for the girls. Sorry all you Minnesotans but there are advantages to living in South Dakota. From the sounds of things, there really hasn't been much accomplished this week in the way of actual school work and tomorrow is a day of partying. Actually, all of my "fancy lady" meetings have led us to this day. I am proud to say I have survived the fancy lady meetings and have actually made a couple of semi-friends. How about that? I guess Grace, Ella and Lily weren't the only ones doing a little growing up this year! Today the girls got to meet their teachers for next year and the parents were welcome to come as well. Being the outgoing social butterfly that I am, I decided to go to the meet and greet. I hit Grace's new 4th grade room first but only stayed about a minute. I quickly noticed I was the only parent there and decided to exit stage left before completely humiliating poor Grace. Lily and I headed to Ella's new 1st grade room and were welcomed with open arms. Her new teachers are the same teachers had for 1st grade and I am thrilled Ella hit the jackpot in getting them as well. We listened to a story, sang a song (don't worry, I didn't sing) and met the classroom mascots, Daisy and Peaches~the rats! Yikes!
Following the classroom visits, we all ventured to the gym to watch a photo montage of great moments from the school year. It was during this video presentation that I reflected on all of the things I learned this school year and thought tonight would be a perfect time to share these valuable lessons....
1. Kindergarteners are completely different children in May than they are in August.
2. Cutting the crust off a sandwich greatly increases the likelihood of an entire lunch being eaten.
3. The cafeteria pizza isn't nearly as tasty as I remember it being.
4. The 3rd Grade field trip to Pioneer Trails was way more interesting for the parent
chaperones than it was for the students.
5. Kindergarteners fall in love many, many times throughout a year.
6. I could not, under any circumstances, be a Kindergarten teacher. God bless them!
7. Next year's classroom assignment day ranks almost as high on the excitement level scale as
Christmas party day and the last day of school.
8. If you take an ordinary chicken patty and milk and name them after Spongebob characters,
you can totally fool children into eating a meal they would otherwise turn their noses up at.
9. Popping a Tom and Jerry DVD in to the vehicle's DVD player buys the carpool driver a quiet
and peaceful drive home.
10.3rd Grade is the official start of girls being girls~i.e. passing notes, secretive phone calls and
the ever popular "Tell (insert name here) that I like him."
11.I am completely capable of joining a fancy lady committee and holding my own. (Maybe not
in the fancy lady category but in contributing to the school category.)
12.A puzzle piece pin accompanied by a note that says "Thanks for being there to pick up the
pieces." is probably the best Mother's Day present a mama can get.
13.Making a cold lunch the night before makes the following morning much more pleasant and
enjoyable for all involved.
14.While my girls, at times, drive me absolutely crazy, I still would rather have them home with
Looking forward to a wonderful summer and wishing the same for all of you.
"Summer afternoon - Summer afternoon... the two most beautiful words in the English language."~Henry James
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