Yesterday marked 3 1/2 years of Lily Jane Kolb gracing our lives with silly comments, smiles as big as her entire face and hugs that you never want to end. In my opinion that is worth celebrating and when she asked me, "Mom, can we make some of those fudge brownies with fudge on the bottom and fudge on the top?", I thought they would make the perfect 1/2 birthday cake. She was my sous chef (until Spongebob came on and she deserted me) and after supper we gathered around the table to serenade our little Lily.
42 months of life with Lily has been nothing short of joyful. She has a real zest for life and loves almost everything she has the opportunity to experience. She loves Spongebob and mushrooms, Ralphie and tomatoes. Lily can't get enough of reading books, coloring, baked onions, swinging, olives and Dora. Broccoli, riding bike, her pink blankie, dresses that spin and egg rolls never fail to bring a smile to her face. Lily loves hiding in her secret spot when it's time for bed and wearing monster teeth.
But most of all Lily loves her mommy, her daddy and her two big sisters....
which works out extremely well because we all love her more than words can express. She is our perfect little moocher and feel blessed to have been able to experience the past 3 1/2 years with her. Life is always a little bit brighter when Lily is next to you.
Happy 3 1/2 birthday my sweet girl!
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