1. An hour long nap for a three year old takes the day from, "Seriously, are you crying again? No way can you be crying again!" to "Oh, thank you for being such a good listener. You are such a good girl."
2. My father could become a gazillionaire by conducting seminars entitled, "I have charmed my way out of innumerable speeding tickets and you can too just by following these easy steps." He could then make a donation to the state of MN as an act of goodwill for all the money they have saved him in not issuing tickets when any other normal person in the world would have received one.
3. Apparently a check mark is the ultimate consequence for a first grader and can bring an otherwise spunky six year old to her knees in a flood of tears. I need to start using check marks around here. Either that or I have a con artist on my hands who turned on the waterworks to avoid getting into trouble while relaying the story of receiving a check mark for talking in a "no talking zone".
4. All of the advertising and marketing ploys retail stores use, especially during the Christmas shopping season, totally work on me. I'm a sucker for it.
5. Removing enough hair to keep Tyra Banks in weaves for the remainder of her life greatly improves the performance of a vacuum cleaner.
6. Using the picture below and the message written on the back of said picture, I'm leaning towards the con artist conclusion mentioned in #3.

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