After months and months of planning and excitement building, the anticipated wedding of Kristin and Chris finally arrived. The festivities began with rehearsal on Friday evening followed by a scrumptious dinner, catered by Uncle Ed's, at Amanda's abode. Although we were having a great time, in the best interest of bright eyes and bushy tails, we departed early and snuggled our flower girls and junior bridesmaid into bed.
Saturday morning was an early one with hair appointments at daybreak~slight exaggeration. We all felt and looked like princesses ready for the ball.

With hair out of the way, it was time to move on to the church for make-up and wardrobe. Completely beautified, we said "Bring on the photographer". Kristin was an exquisite bride and her happiness was palpable and contagious. The mood was festive and my girls were on their best behavior. Was it the promise of a movie on Tuesday if they cooperated throughout the day, their desire to help make Kristin's day as terrific as possible or just simply their nature to be good girls? Could be a combination of the three but ultimately it really doesn't matter, the photography session was a complete success!

After pictures, we had some downtime to re-spruce up, feast on subs and Special K bars, take informal pics....

and hang out in the attached classrooms that boasted all of my girls' favorite things: some type of rodent, books, music and a dry erase board. It was ideal and the perfect way to keep them occupied and entertained.

Time passed quickly, as it usually does when you have a whole dry erase board at your discretion and soon we were being paged as the big show was about to begin. My final piece of anxiety was hanging in there until the girls were down the aisle. As usual, my worry was unfounded as Grace, Ella and Lily all strutted down the aisle like it was their catwalk and they were competing for the title of America's Next Top Model. The ceremony went off without a hitch and we all followed Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hanson back down the aisle ready to put on our dancing shows. Before the eating, drinking and dancing, the cameras came back out for more memory preservation.

Exiting the church, Ella was delighted (total understatement) to find a red carpet awaiting her size nines. She asked both Jason and I if that was actually a real red carpet. When we assured her it was in fact a real red carpet, she said, "I cannot believe I was on a real red carpet. My friends at school are never going to believe it either." On aboard the limo bus, with stars in her eyes, she again turned with another question, "Is this the kind of bus superstars ride on?". My answer to the affirmative was received with a dreamy smile and a short nod of the head, as if saying, "Finally, after six long years, I have made it. I am a superstar."

The beautiful fall day was tailor-made for a post wedding photo shoot at Falls Park.

With business taken care of and the girls off with Grandma and Papa for a brief rest period between events, the adults once again boarded the superstar bus for a pit stop at a local watering hole and then on to the reception.

Another awesome meal under our belts and it was time for the revelry to begin.

The excitement of the day got the best of Lily and following the only breakdown of the day, was escorted home to her bed which we could hear calling her name all the way in Brandon.

The rest of us spent the remainder of the night competing for the crown of "Dancing Machine".

Grace was so busy dancing and rocking out that she didn't even have time to stare at anyone.

Ella danced so fast and so furious I was afraid her legs were going to fall off.

Good times were had by all and the memories will live on with us forever.

To my girls: Throughout the day I was told over and over something I have known all along, I have the three best little girls a mommy could ask for. I could not be more proud to be your mom.
To Kristin: So often friendships slowly drift apart until what once was daily phone calls and hours spent together become passing thoughts or a smile at an old memory. I feel so blessed that our friendship has remained intact over so many years and am so lucky to count you as one of my closest and dearest friends.
To Chris: It was clear the first night you and Kristin met, there was a special connection between the two of you. We, of course, dissected the evening the next day and she asked me what I thought of you. My answer is the same now as it was then, you are a really, really great guy and you are perfect for Kristin. You have made her happier than I have ever seen her and I feel confident you will continue to do so.
To Kristin and Chris: From that night at the Mosque, it was evident there was something between the two of you that just clicked. Your relationship is proof that there is always a reason for life circumstances, good or bad and a path that is set out for us before we even realize it. Saturday we were able celebrate your reason and your path. It was a privilege to be a witness to your first meeting and it was an honor to be included in the big day we could all see coming. Congratulations and best wishes for a long and happy life together.
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