We woke to clouds and rain on the 4th of July but were determined to have a fantastic day in spite of the weather. Ella decided to bust out her block of gypsum she received for her birthday and begin her quest towards her future career choice.

Ella with the help of her two, trusty assistants uncovered four precious geodes. It was quite an exciting first find for the budding

Of course, as any practical six year old knows, it's important to have a plan B. If the
archaeology thing doesn't pan out, jewelry design is Ella's second career choice and so after the "dig", she and Grace fashioned up some fabulous earrings using only plastic bracelets and scotch tape. I am sure the look with catch on and become all the rage. Just wait and see!

It was soon time to descend upon the
Berens' farm for an afternoon/evening filled with all things 4
th of July; family, food and fireworks. Besides the pesky little issue of me losing my diamond bracelet gifted to me on our 10
th anniversary by my oh so thoughtful and loving husband, the evening was a real BLAST! (PS~A huge thanks to Eagle Eyes Joel for finding my bracelet!)

My Ladies of Liberty

The toad that decided to crash the party. Notice Grace's absence~not a coincidence.

Lily and her moustache

Grace and Gus

Grandpa with Grace, Gus and Mary

Bill, Lexi, Ann-Marie, Mary and Lily

Cool, how does this thing work and why are my parents letting me play with fire?

Liz and Victoria (who loved, loved, loved the fireworks)

Grace looking
uncharacteristically enthusiastic! I guess the face paint made her feel undercover.

Ella, Mary and Ella's new friend.

Catherine looking especially patriotic.

Ella and the toad.

Lily and the toad. She was encouraged to kiss the toad to see if he would turn into a prince. I intervened otherwise she really would have. YUCK!

John and Connie (and Sparky) enjoying the fireworks display. Sparky was shaking and not such a fan of the
pyrotechnics but with a name like Sparky, he couldn't miss the show.

Me and the Big Swede!

Grace getting in on the action.

Loving the 4

Pooped out from the party!
A big thanks to Maria, Joel and the kids for hosting a great celebration (and again, thanks to Joel for finding my bracelet.)
"Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better."~Albert Camus
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