Bright and early Thursday morning with the
hoopty loaded to the hilt, we pulled away from 3701 S. Orchid Avenue with
Grandview Lodge~
Nisswa, MN~our destination. We had a long ride ahead of us but some seriously good times also which made the ride more bearable. The girls could not have been better passengers and before we knew it, we were at our turn. Now comes the unbelievable part, WE WERE EARLY! Yes folks, you read that right, we~The
Kolb Family Outlaws~were so early, we couldn't even check in yet. Of course, we were not earlier than the rest of tribe so I suppose technically we were late but for us, it was a shining moment, an omen for all the fantastic things to come. We took a scenic drive while killing time and discovered a hilly road that was transformed into our own personal roller coaster. The girls were laughing so hard, I think they thought we had detoured to Valley Fair!

Finally the call came that it was time to unload our stuff. Once all 17 of us were settled in, it was time to eat.
Zorbaz is a family favorite for Mexican food and pizza and is just down the road from our abode. It's right on the lake, a lot of fun for the kids and their pizza is just one notch below Jake's on the most awesome pizza totem pole. We ate, played games and took pictures. Scott, Stacker Pro Extraordinaire, won the girls jewelry and tattoos. Little did we know the addiction this would start!

(No, Lily is not in the process of pooping in this next picture, even though it totally looks like she is.....)

After supper, we returned to our bungalow for drinks and games. Unfortunately the weather wasn't cooperative so we had to settle for playing inside. Luckily the joint is big enough to contain all the large personalities and we all had a terrific night of bonding.
Friday morning brought more clouds and dreary weather. Our hopes of lounging on the banks of Gull Lake were dashed but we had a plan B~mini golf and go karts. After a morning of real live, adult golf for some of the more ambitious members of the goof troop and a quick lunch, once again, the caravan loaded up and set off for Pirate's Cove. We weren't about to let the cold and drizzle get us down! Miniature golf was first on the agenda. We grouped up and hit the mini links. Ella cracked one into the stream on her first attempt. Uncle Joshy was quick on his feet and rescued her ball from the raging rapids. Lily made up her own rules as we went along, picking her ball up and positioning it just so as she felt necessary. My golfing skills were not quite up to "par" but they usually aren't so that wasn't any big shocker.

Josh's Hole In One on the final hole~a very celebrated moment.

Some of our party departed for a Target run to acquire the necessary supplies to prepare for our bingo outing later in the day. The rest of us sped over to the race track for a spin around the course. Jeremy and Emma and Grace and I tried to overtake Austin "
Andretti" Carter but he was just too speedy.

Ella wasn't tall enough to drive herself on the "big kid" course and wasn't about to be a passenger so she waited patiently to get behind the wheel of her own ride. As soon as she got the green light, she was off to the races attempting to prove to me that she does in fact know how to drive~like she is always telling me. Hopefully this newly proven confidence doesn't lead her to test out her driving skills on the open road. Of course, she has seen the episode of Full House when Stephanie hops behind the wheel and rams the car into the house enough times to know it is a very bad idea.

While we determined whether or not Lily was tall enough to operate the vehicle she wanted to drive so desperately, Ella just hung around......

And, yes, Lily was big enough, just as she had assured us over and over again to drive and off she zoomed, smiling her big Lily-sized smile the whole time.

Friday night was the much anticipated Bingo Game at the lodge. It was decided that getting "tatted up" would seriously increase our odds of winning and who am I to argue with that logic? The tattoo parlor was officially open and there were no holds barred.....

We looked pretty bad ass and I do believe the conference room filled with innocent vacationers were just the slightest bit afraid.

After a slow start, Grace took control, winning an anxiety-filled game of "B-O Bingo". For those of you not as familiar with the art of
bingoing as I, "B-O Bingo" involves filling in all of the "B's" and all of the "
O's". Upon completion, you are to announce to the room, "I have B-O." and then collect your prize. I was completely caught of guard when I heard Grace quietly proclaim, "Bingo!" Even though she didn't yell out the proper phrase, she still received her due....the prize of $5. The original prize was supposed to be $25 but apparently the room was filled with stinky people so she had to split the pot with four others.

Several more rounds passed with no more winners from our crowd. However, there was one incident when Ella became overcome with the excitement of the game and hollered out "BINGO!" at the top of her little lungs. Too bad this winning exclamation was premature and she was utterly humiliated. Uncle Jeremy dried her tears and placed her firmly back on the Bingo saddle. That minor blip behind us, we forged on. Blackout, as usual, was announced as the final game. I had drained my margarita and had all but given up hope for our clan to take home anything more than Grace's five bucks. As the numbers were called the tension mounted until finally, Kim hollered out "Bingo" and immediately began her victory lap around the room, high
fiving family and strangers alike. It was a very proud moment for the entire family and made us all feel like winners.

The two winners with the Bingo caller!

In case you hadn't caught on to this little tidbit, the Carter's,
Kolb's and
Paa's love games. Game plans are made well in advance of any get together to ensure we have all of the games we may need. One game no gathering is complete without is "The Big Shake". From what I understand, many families have a game similar to "The Big Shake" with maybe some variation. Basically, it involves dice, quarters (or dollars for the brave few) and passing the quarters to and fro based on your roll. To my recollection, I have won this game exactly one. As I carefully selected my spot within the circle, I was sure it was my night and the game kicked off. Quietly (as quietly as I can, anyway with a few drinks in me) I amassed a small pile of quarters and my confidence grew. I was certain all the quarters would soon be mine. However, as slowly as my fortune grew, it also dwindled and suddenly I was out of the game. Next thing you know, Amanda was hooting and hollering and raking up all of our quarters. Apparently this year wasn't my year after all......

The remainder of the night was spent giving each other the drill, telling lots of really dumb stories and jokes, playing Password and laughing....

I was positive we would wake to sun on Saturday morning but all the positive thinking in the world was not going to change God's mind. More clouds, gloom and dreariness was our fate and so we made the best of it by spending the day at the pool. And though I would have loved some sun, the girls had no complaints. Lily couldn't get enough of the slide and went up the steps as fast as her little legs would take her. Each time she came flying off the slide, she exclaimed, "I can do it myself." and swam her adorable little self over to the steps ready for another go round.

On our way to and from the pool area, Jason and I noticed this oddity.

Two questions came to mind:
1. Is that God's direct line?
2. Why is he selling that particular tree out of all the trees in Northern Minnesota?
Anyway, Steak Saturday was on the docket and after JerBear and Dad grilled us up some sweet treats, we lined up for the requiste s'mores.

The Guum Sisters got in on the action......

JerBear polished his off....
And then it was time for Dad and the girls to go on their daily golf ball hunt.....

Upon their return, it was "Game On". We had decided on Friday night that it was an absolute must to get Mom and Dad to play Password. We knew the two of them playing would create endless amounts of entertainment and believe me, they did not disappoint. There are days I think they should star in a reality TV show because unless you see them in action, it's almost impossible to imagine.

One last game of Apples to Apples and it was time to call it a night.

Sunday~my 34th birthday~was the perfect summer day. Sunny, warmish but not unbearably hot, slight breeze, no humidity~the total package. Too bad it was a day that was destined to be spent in the car. As a special birthday gift to me, Jason got up early, readied himself for the day and proceeded to pack up the vehicle so quickly we were the first group ready to roll. Unprecedented, much appreciated and most likely, never going to happen again! My morning was spent doing some packing and organizing but mostly just basking in the love and adoration of my family. Presents were presented, well wishes were wished and love was loved. In addition to two new shirts, two new pairs of shoes, a lovely necklaces and some wicker balls from my fam, Jason surprised me with a couple of gifts. He has been so busy lately with work, he hasn't even had time to get his hair cut so I knew he hadn't had time to do any birthday shopping (besides the new Stang, of course). Honestly, I was totally OK with this (no really, I was!!) but the Mr. Predictable I know and love went and got all unpredictable on me! Friday morning, Jason took the opportunity of a free moment and ran into a barber shop he had spotted for a quick clip. While on the loose and unsupervised, he did some birthday browsing and found a beautifully whimsical wind chime and a sentimental garden stone for me. I loved both but I especially loved his thoughtfulness.
Anyway~I sat back on the couch watching the final round of the British Open, while others scurried around packing, loading and such. Once the townhouse was emptied of all Carter/Kolb/Paa belongings, it was time for my birthday lunch at, where else, Zorbaz. Jeremy and Sheila had selected succulent-looking enchiladas for their meals on Thursday night and I had been craving them since. I seized the moment and indulged. They were as delish as I was hoping. Happy Birthday was sung, the luscious chocolate cake from Walmart was inhaled, a few more pictures were taken and goodbyes were next on the horizon.

Everyone was sad to say goodbye. My poor, tenderheart bear, Ella was especially upset. Even giving Trish and Scott the drill one last time and the promise of a final trip on the hilly road elicited only the smallest of smirks from her cute little lips. Bidding all adieu, it was time to depart. As I was thinking of what to write in this posting, I was stricken with anxiety. It seems I am always repeating myself.....had a good time, everyone had fun, blah-blah-blah but then it occurred to me~it's true. We did have a good time and everyone did have fun. The fact of the matter is, I have a great family with whom I love to spend time with, I have beautiful children, a fabulous husband and all in all, a pretty awesome life and to me, that is worth repeating. Cherishing the memories and looking forward to more.....
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