As usual, we spent this weekend playing and having fun. There was a birthday party on Grace's social calendar for Friday night. We dropped her off, grabbed a quick supper at our go-to, Fryn' Pan, and beelined to the park to kill time until it was time to pick up our eldest. Lily enjoyed the swing.....

While Ella showed off her monkey bar skills, going back and forth 16 times total, 13 of those times right in a row. I haven't been able to lift my arms above my head since, just thinking about the pain.

It was finally time to return our resident pop star diva to the fold. She had a fabulous time, just as expected. Pizza and Hannah Montana~what more does a nine year old girl really need?

Jason and I had decided that since we got totally gypped out of sun and didn't get to participate in any lakeside lounging, we would have to take matters into our own hands. After just the slightest bit of Facebook research, we located a lake near our house that sounded perfect. With the back of the Expedition filled with appropriate beach-friendly gear, we headed for sunny Lake Pahoja, Iowa. We were pleasantly surprised that after a quick 20 minute jaunt, a lovely, clean, relatively unbusy beach welcomed us. Prior to take off, I commented to Jason that we would most likely spend more time packing up and driving to the lake than our actual time spent enjoying the surroundings. Well, once again, I was totally off base. The girls shocked me and happily played in the water on their inner tubes and in the sand, surfside for hours with nary a complaint or a nag~even when they found out while we had plenty of beverages, their airheaded parents completely spaced off bringing any snacks. (Luckily Grace had her Kit-Kat from the previous night's party and she was willing to share!) It was the perfect summer day!

Lily~making friends everywhere she goes. I think she may be a politician when she grows up~(if the cowgirl thing falls through, of course).

Ella rockin' the air guitar....

Last week while cleaning the house, I decided this week was going to be fully devoted to the girls and doing all the things they love. No cleaning and no errands. All fun, all the time. They unanimously agreed today was pool day and so to the pool we went. Grace and Ella swam in the big pool while Lily and I splashed in the wading pool.

I think this smile tells it all.

Yesterday in church, the priest spoke about not squandering the gift God bestowed upon each one of us. The greatest gift I have been given is my beautiful family and the opportunity I have to spend each day with them. Now, I'm not going to lie. I struggled with my gift today. I was plagued by anxiety. Sometimes I worry over big issues such as wondering if I am providing a happy, secure life for my girls, if I am doing my best and giving my all every day, finances, being a good mother, wife, daughter, friend, etc. Some days my anxiety is over trivial matters but matters important to me, nonetheless. Selfishly I wondered why in addition to all I have been given, I have been chosen to bear the cross of persistent anxiety. People understand when you are stressed about losing a job, health concerns, problems with your children or your spouse~you know, the big things. People (myself included) do not understand stressing over what to make for supper, what time to get on the treadmill, what day to go to the library, how best to schedule your day~little things that build up throughout the day. And the irony of it is because of this anxiety, I became more anxious. Worried and regretful that I had wasted my time, thoughts and energy. Because of this, I did not fully embrace my day; you know, the day that was supposed to be devoted to my girls. Cue more anxiety over not being a great mother. I hate that but I know it's in my hands. This is not an insurmountable problem.
I'm not sure yet what tomorrow will bring but I do know what I will bring to tomorrow: a positive attitude, a grateful heart and the promise not to squander my gift.
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."~Angela Schwindt
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