Today our itinerary included a stop at the library so the girls could drop off their summer reading program forms and collect their loot (which included a ticket for each to an upcoming Canaries game~always the hot item), lunch at Z'kota (mmmm, Hot Ham and Swiss) and an afternoon at the park. Since we are such freewheelin', wild and crazy ladies, we went out on a limb (literally)
and visited a park not on our "Frequently Frequented Parks" list, Cherry Rock Park. Fun for three reasons: 1. We don't often go to CRP., 2. It's right on the bike trail with a cool bridge crossing the river. and 3. It had the perfect tree perching (we are too chicken to climb~we just perched) tree. After a brief photo shoot on the bridge....
With the picture taking nonsense that the girls so kindly have accepted as part of any outing with me, they were set free to create their own fantasy land. As I supervised from the sidelines, I listened in amazement as my girls were transformed before my eyes into princesses fleeing from the evil witch (I sure hope that wasn't me playing a part unknowingly). At one point I heard Grace exclaim, "Ella, is it time to get back on the bird and fly away yet?" to which Ella replied, "No, I'm on my horse." as she galloped away. Grace started to protest but then the lightbulb flickered and she hollered, "Hey Ella, how about we ride unicorns?" which Ella and Lily both thought was about the best idea they had ever heard and off they all swiftly rode into the sunset.
There is nothing I love more than watching my girls play and laugh. Their level of comfort with one another is something I at times envy and the way they complement each
other is so interesting. They each have their very important and integral part to play in their sisterhood and there is no place I would rather be than sitting right there watching them play it.
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