Monday, August 30, 2010

Twin Cities fun...

This past weekend was time for what is turning out to be our annual end of summer pilgrimage to the hub of Minnesota. As usual, we began our voyage at Valleyfair. The weather couldn't have been better, the kids were terrifically behaved and I think it is safe to say, a wonderful time was had by all.
Unfortunately Austin was feeling quite up to snuff and had to depart early. But not before he and Lily enjoyed each other's company...
The rest of us continued our day and rode ride after ride...
And even soaked up the sun in the waterpark... One final spin around and around on the carousel and my tired, achy legs were ready for some relaxation time at Jeremy and Sheila's... Saturday was spent celebrating the birth of Mr. Austin Jordan Carter. Lots of hanging out...
And a Bocce Ball tournament of epic proportions...
Our clan takes bocce to a whole new level, a level that requires the precise measuring skills of a certified carpenter.
That's how real it gets in Minnesota.

After we had worked up our appetites, it was time for a cake...
Following the party, Mom, Dad and Kim packed up the children and headed out for a night of swimming and movie viewing at a local hotel. Once the littles had departed, it was time for state fair corn dogs and Tim.
I attempted a few shots of the city scape to pass the time on our drive to St. Paul...
And before we knew it, we were pulling into our parking spot near the porta-potties in the gas station parking lot and hightailing to the plentiful food stands within the state fair grounds. Our faces sufficiently fed, we set off in search of our seats and of course, the beer stand.
Settling into our seats, we enjoyed the vocal stylings of Julianne Hough. Not my favorite performance of all time, to say the least, but amusing background music for drinking a few beers on a perfect summer evening in Minnesota...
Following Julianne's set, the anticipation was mounting as we anxiously awaited Tim's arrival on stage...
The place was packed and humming with excitement...
And finally, there he was. Resplendent in his white t-shirt (absent a BBQ stain, from my vantage point anyway)...
He simultaneously crooned and charmed the crowd. It was fantastic.
We could not have enjoyed ourselves more...
Sadly, all good things must come to an end. We hustled on out of the concert bowl and back into the land of 10,000 food on a stick stands. With people everywhere and crowds as thick as mosquitoes on a humid, summer night, it was of utmost importance that we stick together so as to not lose each other. Jason held tight to both myself and Sheila to ensure our safe delivery home...
Taking advantage of some wonderful photo worthy moments on our lengthy walk back to the car made the trek more appealing...
And, in true Carter style, because apparently all the gut bomb treats offered at the fair just weren't quite enough, we decided a stop at Wendy's was in order...
Another weekend. Another reminder of the great family I have. Another memory to add to my list of best times ever. Thanks to Jeremy and Sheila for their hospitality. Thanks to whoever invented the Tilt-A-Whirl because the laughs that came from Lily were priceless. Thanks to Mom, Dad and Kim for taking charge over the kids so we could have a night out. Thanks to Tim for wearing that t-shirt. Thanks to Austin for being born and creating another occasion for us all to get together. Thanks to Josh for being Josh and making me laugh so hard that I don't need to do crunches for two weeks. Thanks to Wendy's for being open late and making the best bacon and cheese baked potato I've ever had the pleasure of consuming. Thanks to Jason just because he is so great.
The list could go on and on but would never even come close to properly expressing my thankfulness for all the blessings in my life. So, a simple "thank you" will have to do.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Into the great unknown...

The day Lily and I have both been dreading was finally upon us...the first day of preschool. Lily has maintained for weeks "I don't want to go to school." She has announced that with a smile on her face and also with tears in her eyes. Of course, we were quick to assure her that "School is going to be so awesome. You are going to learn so much, have the most fun ever and meet so many new friends." As recently as this morning, she didn't seem to be buying our promises nor was she buying into the always successful bribing technique. When she told me she wasn't going to school, I informed her that I had a special treat if she was a good girl. Not one to fall for such lame parenting tactics, she immediately replied, "I don't want a treat. I don't want to school." At that point, I was certain drop off was not going to go smooth.

As the morning turned into afternoon, brand new tennis shoes were double knotted and it was time to throw on the new Tinkerbell backpack. She was ready... Her daddy was ready...
I was not...not ready for this moment, not ready to let go...
But let go I must and so off to school we went. Lily's fears and anxieties apparently forgotten in the rush of all the excitement... And she marched right up to the door, chattering all the way...
Introductions to the only other girl in her class went well and without a second's hesitation, she sat down, poised for an afternoon of new, exciting experiences...
One last hug for Dad and we were out the door. No tears in her eyes, only mine...
Wishing I had one drop of the courage and confidence of my baby. Resigned to my fate while she was embracing hers~another lesson to be learned from the little ones, to not just accept our situations but relish them. There are things in life we just have to do, like it or not. Might as well make the best of them. It would have been so easy and even expected for Lily to kick and scream, cry and cling. She isn't used to being away from her mommy. She doesn't know any of these people I was leaving her with. But she didn't do any of these things that would have been perfectly normal. Lily took our promises and assurances and believed them and because of that, she was able to begin this new chapter of her life with a smile on her face and hope in her heart. I hope some day she can understand how proud I am of her. She was happy. So am I. Happy to be this beautiful little girl's mommy. Happy that the only tears that fell this afternoon were my own. But most of all, happy that 2 1/2 hours is only 150 minutes and then she will be home, where she belongs.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let's play ball...

In spite of the heavy, heavy fog that concerned her a great deal, Lily strapped on her shin guards, pulled on her tennis shoes and bravely walked out onto the soccer field for the first time. Although she doesn't yet have a jersey, she was still very much a proud member of the Ladybugs. Lily took some time to check out her new friends...
She then got the game plan and some tips from Coach Luke...
Finally she scoped out the competition...
And presented a intimidating show of unity with her fellow ballers...
Clearly, a force to be reckoned with...
And then it was game time. No nerves, just steely determination and an intense game face.
Lily wasn't overly aggressive, nor did she score any goals. She was content to run alongside her teammates, kicking at the ball any chance she got.
Happy to take her turn on the sidelines...
Equally willing to step in and play whenever called upon, even when winded and red-faced...
Lily proved her heart is as big as her smile...
The Ladybugs did not emerge victorious this morning, but there is no doubt, this little Ladybug...
is a true winner.
Good game, Lily Jane. Good game.