Saturday, August 21, 2010

Let's play ball...

In spite of the heavy, heavy fog that concerned her a great deal, Lily strapped on her shin guards, pulled on her tennis shoes and bravely walked out onto the soccer field for the first time. Although she doesn't yet have a jersey, she was still very much a proud member of the Ladybugs. Lily took some time to check out her new friends...
She then got the game plan and some tips from Coach Luke...
Finally she scoped out the competition...
And presented a intimidating show of unity with her fellow ballers...
Clearly, a force to be reckoned with...
And then it was game time. No nerves, just steely determination and an intense game face.
Lily wasn't overly aggressive, nor did she score any goals. She was content to run alongside her teammates, kicking at the ball any chance she got.
Happy to take her turn on the sidelines...
Equally willing to step in and play whenever called upon, even when winded and red-faced...
Lily proved her heart is as big as her smile...
The Ladybugs did not emerge victorious this morning, but there is no doubt, this little Ladybug...
is a true winner.
Good game, Lily Jane. Good game.

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