Thursday, April 8, 2010

No words, just pictures...

OK, just a few words (because, of course, it just wouldn't be me if I didn't say at least a little something)...

We went to the butterfly house last Friday and had a great time. Observe...

Let me just interject here~No, I did not select Lily's outfit but yes, I did let her out of the house in this get up.

Last night was the girls' first soccer practice of the season.

Lily decided that even though she isn't officially on a team, she is still a player...
And as such, still works up a sweat and needs a water break (an extremely dramatic water break).... Grace got reacquainted with her teammates... Observed her surroundings...
Played a little ball...
And even seemed to enjoy herself which was awesome to see...
Ella, predictably, took a minute to acclimate herself... And then proceeded to go full out...
She was quite pleased with her first goal of the season... She and Lily were both quite pleased with her pit stop at the playground while waiting for Grace to finish up...
And really just both quite pleased with themselves in general...
Finally, there were some hot air balloons that came floating by. I love hot air balloons and had to try to capture the moment and ended up with a pretty cool picture....
It was a fabulous evening.

Happy almost weekend from the Kolbs!

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