Thursday, June 11, 2009

They say it's your birthday......

Thirty six years ago today, Jason Charles Kolb entered this world as "Baby Boy Kolb" born to John and Connie Kolb. Since then he has been known by many names; Jason, Jay, Jase, Goblin, The Big Swede, The Strongest Man, Hubs, Mr. Kolb, FBM and Daddy.

He has worn many hats; son, brother, uncle, father, husband, student, employee, business owner, carpenter, grill master, joke maker, lawn mower, spider killer, light bulb changer, table clearer, clicker sharer, conflict negotiator, clean plate ranger and security provider (and these are just the tip of the iceberg).

(Apparently he thinks he wears the supermodel hat also.)

I, for one, am thankful for all of the names he goes by and all of the hats he wears. He is my everything and then some. Happy Birthday Mr. Kolb. I love you.

1 comment:

mom211 said...

Happy belated birthday little brother!! You are very blessed:>)
Love, Dawn